Golden Hour <3

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Kurapika could tell that you were about to fall asleep soon. As you fell asleep, your soft and steady breathing put Kurapika to sleep as well.

The next morning, you woke up first. It was around 9 AM. You analyzed the Kurta's sleeping face. You blushed thinking about what happened last night, but you were able to brush it off and was about to get out of when Kurapika grabbed your hand and pulled you close to him.

"Awake?" he said in a raspy voice.
"Y-yeah.. I usually get up around this time.."
"Mm.. good morning, gorgeous.."
"..." you were very surprised.
"I'm gonna go make breakfast for us, yeah?"
"Y-Yeah... okay..." you said as the blondie smiled at you and got up to make breakfast.

You two ate and finished breakfast. Kurapika was just about to leave your place.

"(Y/N)..." he said as he turned around,"I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Of course." you said smiling.
"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, gorgeous." he said, winking, before leaving.

That night, you kept thinking about what happened that day between you and Kurapika.

'There's no way he likes me.' you thought while shaking you head aggressively before falling asleep due to the lack of sleep you got last night.

The next day, you got up to get ready for school. You put on casual clothes since you weren't really the type to "dress up" for school. All that mattered was getting good grades and at least graduating. You drove to school and when you got in the building, you saw a blonde boy waiting near your locker.

"What are you doing here?"
"What does it look like?" he said while chuckling. "I'm obviously waiting for you, (Y/N)."

You two walked to class together. You kept hearing whispering and people giving you weird stares everywhere you went with Kurapika. They most likely weren't good things, but you tried to ignore it since it's been happening for a while. Everything was normal-ish until classes were over for the day.

A girl that you've never seen before came up to you. She had mid-length brown hair with streams of dark purple throughout, she had winged eyeliner, slightly red lips, light brown freckles, dark green eyes, a slim body, and she wore a forest green top and white jeans. She seemed to be smiling kindly at you, but it seemed off; too off.

"You must be... (Y/N)?" she said while keeping her kind smile.
"Uh.. yeah..?" you said, confused, since you've never talked to her before.
"I'm Klarissa."
"Oh, nice to meet you.."
"I just wanted to ask.." she started while getting closer and whispering to you, "you're not dating Kurapika or anything, are you? You two are just friends?"
"Yeah, I guess.. Why?" you said, feeling like her smile turned vile.
"So you won't mind if I try to get closer with him, yeah?"
"No.. I don't.. He's just-"
"Thanks. I appreciate it. I'm new here, by the way. Maybe I'll see you around." she said happily as she walked away; her smile completely gone by the time she left.

You didn't know why Klarissa came up to you asking if she could basically have Kurapika. Maybe it was because of the rumors that were made a while ago? Maybe it's because you two were always together? Klarissa was new, apparently... You just brushed it off, but you couldn't help but think about what you said to Klarissa earlier. You liked Kurapika, so why didn't you just say so? As you drove home, you saw Kurapika and Klarissa talking. They seemed happy talking with each other. Maybe a little too happy, in your perspective. You were a little sad, but maybe you were also jealous.

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