You're in Pieces

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(F/N) = friend's name
(F/F) = favorite food

You and Kurapika were a happy couple for a few months. It was rocky at the same time, but you two seemed to make it work at first.

Lately, though, he's been horribly distant. He's been yelling at you to "Get out." when you try to help him. You keep trying go forgive him internally and every time you try to get along with him, you two fall apart even more than before.

You knew that he was in pieces. He'd never tell you why.

You could physically see all the pain in his eyes. It went up to the point where he couldn't sleep even with the lights off, or the "noise" in his head makes it harder to breathe. Everything seemed so difficult for him, but apparently it was the easiest when he told you to leave.

"You're in pieces" you would tell him.
"Get out."

He broke up with you. You weren't surprised though. It's been bad since the start and every time you two try, he falls apart.


"Hey, (Y/N), I think we need to talk."
"What's up...?"
"I think we should break up."
"W-what? what do you mean?"
"I want to break up with you."

He just couldn't keep your heart close to him.


"Hey, are you seriously not gonna stop thinking about him?" your friend asks.
"Shit, no."
"You've been talking about him for weeks now. Are you sure he hasn't given you a reason why he left?"
"Dammit, (Y/N). Have you two even talked since then?"
"No. He didn't answer my texts or calls and took his shit and left. (F/N), he obviously doesn't want to talk to me."
"You haven't even touched your food either. Don't let him impact your life in such a negative way like this.."
"I will, but shit I'm starving." you say as you start gobbling up your food.

A little time pasts. You and your friend finish your food and are about to throw away the trash.

"What the hell.. (Y/N).. isn't that him?"
"Kurapika. The Kurapika who broke up with you."
"What?" you look around and see him, "Shit, fuck, what do I do?"

You try and discreetly run away. To your luck, he sees you and tries to catch up.

"Excuse me, I feel like I've known you from somewhere."
"Kurapika. You're an idiot. It's literally me. Your fucking ex. the one you left crying like shit on the couch after you randomly walked out."
"What? (Y/N)!?"
"Yeah. Dumbass."
"Hey, let's talk!"
"You pushed me away!"
"(Y/N) please.."
"FINE. make it quick."

You two found a private spot to talk.

"The reason why I broke up with you..."
"You're telling me this.. now!? Haven't you gotten any idea of how much pain I was in because of this? Because of you?"
"(Y/N).. I'm sorry. Please just hear me out."
"Hurry it up."
"...listen. I had to break up with you because I knew that the Troupe was after me. They knew who I was. I needed to leave as soon as possible to keep you and me safe. I never wanted to do it. I loved you, (Y/N). I still do. So much. I know it seems like bullshit. That I'm lying, but I swear to the world that I'm not."
"I was so scared of being lonely without you, but I had to do it. For you. For me. For us. If I had stayed with you, you would've gotten killed in no time. You know how they are."
"Bullshit. All of it. Why didn't you just fucking tell me...I tried fixing it myself too! You kept looking at me like you wanted me out!" you say as you start crying.
"Answer the fucking question, Kurta."
"I didn't tell you because you would insist on hiding with me. I knew that if that happened, you'd get terribly hurt; maybe even killed. (Y/N)? (Y/N).. Don't cry!.."
"Kurapika. I loved you. I probably still do. No, shit, I do! You kept yelling at me to 'get out' and you kept pushing me away. I started to doubt myself. I started to wish that I was just a little better so that you wouldn't push me away anymore."
"(Y/N). Dammit. Shit. I'm so fucking sorry. I know you won't forgive me, but just know that I regret everything. Just know that I never wanted to leave you, okay? I know I'll never get you back. I've been trying to find you and tell you. As soon as I left you, I knew that I was never going to get you now. Just know that you're perfect the way you are."
"I love you. I still do. I know you don't but I do. I still cry about you to this day. I know you-" he kissed you.

He proceeded to kiss all your tears away and repeatedly whispered how much he loved you after every kiss.

"I love you. I have loved you. I wanted to be with you horribly."
"Nope. Not lying." he kissed you again, "See?"
"I'll make it up to you?"

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