Golden Hour <3

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You woke up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare. You decided to check your phone to pass some time. You ended up texting Kurapika.

A little secret was that Kurapika actually had fallen in love with you, but you had been pretty oblivious until recently, when you two have started to hang out and talk much more than ever before.

You ended up catching feelings for him as well. It's been a couple months since you've like Kurapika, but it's been over a year since he's liked you.


Pika, u awake?
Read 2:33 AM

Sort of. Did something happen (Y/N)? Are you alright?

yeah. just a nightmare. i just felt like talkin to u pika. and i'm really sorry if i woke up...
Read 2:34 AM

No need to be sorry. Are you sure? Do you need me to come over?

nono. it's okay pika. it's late. I don't want u to drive around; plus, it's dangerous out right now
Read 2:44 AM

Read 2:50 AM

I'm here.

u didn't have to come!
Read 2:51 AM

Well, I'm here. Please open the door, (Y/N). It's kind of cold..

sorry shit okok hold on
Read 2:52

You opened the door hastily to let the freezing man inside.

"Shit, I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what? (Y/N), if it's about me coming over, it's because I wanted to. Don't feel bad about it."
"Alright... but do you want anything? Hot chocolate, tea, water, food?"
"(Y/N), I'm perfectly fine." he chuckled at how worried you seemed. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine. It's just that the nightmares have been getting pretty bad recently." you said tiredly, "Kurapika..."
"Can you... sleepnexttometonight?"
"(Y/N), I literally have no idea what you just said."
"Can you.. uh.. sleep with me tonight...?" you said totally embarrassed.
"y-yeah... of course." Kurapika said with a slight blush that wasn't noticed by you.

You both headed up to your bedroom. You made sure Kurapika was comfortable before you went to lay in bed.

"Are you comfortable?"
"Yes, I'm fine. You should get settled down too, let me help you." he said as he got up to tuck you in. He leaned in to kiss your forehead but stopped right before touching you.
"Kurapika, are you okay?"
"Oh- yeah. I'm great." he said as he went to lay back down.
"Thanks for tucking me in." you said laughing.
"Of course. Are you cold?"
"A little..."

Kurapika scooted closer to you and cuddled up with you. You two were both a blushing mess when Kurapika managed to cough up a few words.

"I-is this okay?"
"Y-yeah. Thank you, Pika."
"Hey.. you're really good at cuddling.. are you experienced?" he asked jokingly, but also seriously.
"Nope. You're the first person I've cuddled with.."
"S-shit, really?"
"I wouldn't mind being the last..." he whispered.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it." he said squeezing you slightly.
"Kurapika, you're really warm."
"Mhm... feels real nice..."

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