Cotton Candy Skies

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"Do you want to.. watch the sunset with me?"
"Of course, lover."

Kurapika drove to a spot in the park where you two could watch the sunset.

"Alright, so I brought some things.."
"Kurapika, what do you mean?"
"I brought some snacks and drinks."

You two had some drinks and snacks while watching the skies and the sunset.

"Look at the skies! They're like cotton candy.."
"Pretty, aren't they, lover?"
"Mhm. Really nice." he said as he was looking at you.
"Sorry, it's just- you're just really pretty tonight." he said while reaching over to kiss your cheek.
"Thank you, love." you responded while a pink tint of blush spread across your face.

Time flied fast. The skies were a cotton candy blue-and-pink shade. As it got late, the colors turned to a dark purple and blue; then, a midnight black. You two were having a blast. You even remembered to bring the bug spray and the shit for mosquitoes.

As the snacks were being eaten, the drinks were slowly, but surely, getting downed by, not you, but the Kurta.

"Hey, are you feeling okay? You've had a lot to drink.."
"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine." he says as he hiccups and his words slur. He decided to drink a few more shots.
"Kurapika, why did you even bring alcohol... Anyways, slow down. It's just us. Don't drink so much. You'll get a shitty hangover tomorrow morning. Don't even think about puking on me either.." you say while rolling your eyes.
"C'mon... (Y/N).... Don't be like thattt.." his words slurring even more.

You finally take the drinks from him and clean the rest of the things up before getting ready to leave the park.

"By the way, you're not driving."
"Nahhhh... man I'm finna whip dis hoe..."
"Babe, do you seriously wanna die?"
"For you, yess..."
"... anyways, let's go get you cleaned up and get you to bed. Water for the rest of the night by the way."
"fine fineee...."

As you're driving home you kept checking every two seconds to make sure that Kurapika had his seatbelt on. Man, the last thing you wanted was for him to fly his ass out of the window..

As you two got home, Kurapika seemed different...

"Baby...... C'mere...."
"You're drunk."
"C'mere, beautiful..."
"What do you want?"
"You.. C'mere.."
"Yeah.. no."
"Mmm- is that an angel...?"
"Are you seeing things?" you asked, laughing hysterically.
"No... I see youu..."
"Come again?"
"You're an angel....." he says while coming closer to you.
"Nah.. You're drunk."
"I'm not.... Let me love you...."
"Kurapika, drink your water. Unless you can prove to me that you're sober. We're not doing shit tonight."
"Darling, I'm sober."
"I'm fine, now c'mere."
"Kurapika!- Hold on a minute-" you were interrupted as he came in to kiss you. To your surprise, he seemed completely sober..
"Mm.. you're so sexy like this.."
"What are you saying?"
"The truth, obviously.." he said as he kissed you again.
"Kurapika... you asshole.." you said as you laughed. "Are you sure you're sober?"
"Yes, yes, my darling. Come here."
"Kura-" he kissed you again.

He held your waist as you two passionately made out with each other. He then started to give you love bites as you moaned slightly in pure delight. You covered your mouth immediately, but that didn't seem to help as he kissed you and your neck even more until he remembered and purposely targeted your weak spot until you could barely breathe; much less even speak from how flustered you were.

"S-slow down, Kurapika.. We have time.."
"I don't care."

He picked you up and took you to your shared bedroom. You obviously like being comfortable and comfortable only. You chose the biggest bed size possible and comfiest sheets, pillows, and blankets possible. You get hot pretty easily, so there's, of course, a ceiling fan and thin sheets.

You had a huge amount of space in your bedroom. a bathroom to your left, a big window to your right, and the door to your room is in front of the bed. Your shared wardrobe was in a small closet-drawer in the left corner near the bathroom.

Kurapika took you onto the bed and kissed you more. As he kissed you, he took his t-shirt off and was left in shorts. You two continued making out until you patted on his back. He stopped. You were breathing heavily.

"Woah.. lover.. what's going on?"
"K-kurapika.." you said as you were panting. "C-couldn't breathe.."
"You're funny, princess. You could've just done so through your nose?" he said as he chuckled.

He kissed you again and went to go change his shorts. He threw you his t-shirt and some shorts and you both quickly changed and hopped under the sheets.

"Lover.. are you tired?"
"Mhm..." you said while snuggling closer to him.
"I love you.." he said while kissing your head.
"Mmm I love you too.." you said falling asleep.
Kurapika then whispered, "I'll gladly get drunk again if that means I'll get to see more cotton candy skies with you.." he kissed you again as he fell asleep.

A/N: ok.... but why did i have this written like last month but forgot abt it........... anyways i reread and edited this for y'all....

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