Chapter Five: Scarlet Skies

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"Just keep moving, Sumireko... You'll find a place to hide eventually," Sumireko thought to herself as she dashed down the darkened hallways of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Glenn still in her arms. The way forward was illuminated solely by candles, save for the weak crimson shine of the full moon, which had shone through the many windows of the mansion.

"Ow... Everything hurts right now..." Glenn thought, before looking up at Sumireko. "But everything should be alright... I have Sumireko here to protect me..."

"Yeah, Don't worry Glenn..." Sumireko glanced down at Glenn with a small smile on her face, "I'll get you somewhere safe for the time being." Glenn looked at Sumireko, his weak yet calm state of mind quickly changing to one of confusion. Glenn had sworn that he didn't speak a single word. But he couldn't really make sure of anything, he was too weak to even stand properly. Speaking his thoughts aloud was currently the least of his concerns.

"I hope Glenn can pull through this... I don't know what I'm gonna do if that idiot dies in my arms..." Sumireko's thoughts had suddenly penetrated Glenn's thoughts, her words filling his mind as he looked up to her once again, a small smile on his face.

"Sumi... I'll be fine, just find a place for us to hide and I should be able to make it through..." Glenn said between coughs. Sumireko opened one of the several doors lining the hallways, revealing a small bedroom, supposedly the room of one of the hundreds of fairy maids. Said maids could be heard scurrying past the door not long after Sumireko had closed and locked it. After Sumireko had put Glenn down on the bed which sat inside of the room, she let out a sigh of relief. Now able to take a brief breather, the gears in her head began turning.

"Wait- Did Glenn read my thoughts...?" Sumireko paused before looking to Glenn, who was now fast asleep. "There's no way..." Sumireko said as she began to laugh to herself, denying the possibility of such a thing happening. "There's no way in hell... He was probably just saying that to reassure me..." Sumireko said before sitting on the floor, glancing around the room before focusing her gaze on Glenn. "I might as well get some sleep too..." Sumireko yawned as she closed her eyes, and within moments she had already drifted off to sleep.




Not even an hour had passed and Sumireko was suddenly awoken by a loud banging on the door. Sumireko looked to the still-sleeping Glenn before looking to the door. Unfortunately, this didn't do much, as the wood was starting to be broken in by bullets, a small army of fairy maids firing away at the other side of the door.

"Shit shit shit shit..." Sumireko repeated as she readied her gun, aiming at the door waiting for it to give way. Within the minute, parts of the door had practically crumbled, small bits of wood splintering and flying past Sumireko's face. The damage to the door was much smaller than Sumireko had expected, a small hole left in the door near the doorknob. Sumireko knelt and leveled herself with the hole in the door just as a fairy maid had peaked her eye through the hole. Sumireko and the fairy maid locked eyes for less than a second before Sumireko pulled down the trigger of her gun and fired her shot, sending the maid flying against the wall, knocking her out in one quick shot.

"H-Huh!?" One of the fairy maids had gasped from behind the door.

"The intruders must be in here!" Another one shouted before firing a few more bullets at the door, more of the wood giving way in the process. The other fairy maids followed suit, firing at the door.

' "Hmm...?" Glenn groaned out before sitting up and glancing around. Unfortunately for him, his eyes locked onto his HP bar. It had been fully restored due to his quick rest, the once blinking red bar now restored to its green color, the numbers on it reading 142/142 HP. As Glenn hopped out of the bed which he had rested on mere moments ago, he saw Sumireko crouching next to the door, returning fire whenever she had found an opening to do so. Her bursts of fire stopped as she looked to Glenn who was up on his feet, standing as if nothing had ever happened to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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