Chapter Two: Fateful & Fanatical Meetings

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Vrtttt...! Vrtttt...!

As Glenn walked home with his head held low he felt his phone in his pocket vibrate, he quickly swiped it out of his pocket, hoping it was a message from Sadao or the others. Yet to his surprise it was from his friend Sumireko. His eyes lit up as he read the message from his friend

"yoooo! gln! R U free 2nite?" Sumireko's message read out, in nearly unintelligible abbreviations of already easy-to-spell words. Despite how ridiculous Sumireko's way of texting was, Glenn found himself smiling as he quickly responded to Sumireko's text

"Yeah! I just wrapped up being kicked outta my D&D group. I'll be by your place in a few Sumi! :D" Glenn quickly put away his phone as he began to rush back to his dorm. As he arrived he quickly threw all of his belongings into his room before rushing down the hall to Sumireko's dorm room.

Upon arriving he gently knocked on the door, swaying back and forth as he awaited a response from Sumireko who was on the other side of the door, lying on her bed from which she yelled "The door's unlocked Glenn come on inside!" Glenn responded by opening the door almost instantly and letting himself in. As he looked around the room which smelled strongly of lavender due to the incense maker plugged into the wall near the entrance to her dorm.

"Hey there Sumi!" Glenn said as he closed the door behind him and focused his gaze on the only other person in the room, her Purple & plaid dress and her unkempt brown hair immediately were a sight for Glenn's sore eyes. As Glenn took a few steps closer to Sumireko's bed she sat up, put down her phone, and stared into his green eyes with a bright grin.

"I swear every time I text you to come over here, you seem to get here faster and faster each time..." Sumireko said, adjusting her glass before giggling a small bit. Glenn would follow suit before sitting on the floor. "So, you got kicked out of your D&D group huh?" Sumireko said as she went to sit down on the floor next to Glenn.

"That's right..." Glenn said, sighing out a bit as he looked down, a bit bummed out "I just wanted to have some fun, y'know? And look at where that got me..." Glenn looked up to Sumireko, tears welling in his eyes a bit as he began to sniffle. "Is my way of having fun really that bad?"

Sumireko was about to respond before suddenly pausing and biting her lip, stopping to think of what she would say as his words echo through her head. She knew very well how destructive and self-centered Glenn could be and how his way of having fun usually came at the cost of others. Sumireko could call Glenn out on his flaws and point him in the right direction, but this could also risk her and Glenn's friendship. As she sat there alone in her head for what felt like hours she suddenly began to speak up. "Glenn... There's nothing wrong with having fun in your own way..." She said as she lied through her teeth, the guilt of lying to her friend filling her head as she tried to comfort him with her lies.

"Are you sure Sumirek-" Glenn was suddenly cut off as Sumireko put her now-quivering hand over his mouth, tears welling in her eyes, the guilt overwhelming her as she spoke

"I-I'm sure Glenn... You're my closest friend... I-I'd Never lie... to you..." Sumireko wanted so desperately to scream out her honest feelings about Glenn and how he wasn't the best person. Yet almost every bone in her body told her to keep lying, to keep him close. Just as close as she held him at that very moment. And just as fast as the moment between the two had begun it had ended as Glenn moved away from Sumireko, from her rattling yet comforting touch.

"Sumi... I..." Glenn sat there, wiping his tears as he looked at Sumireko before standing up. "I believe you, don't worry, ok?" Glenn smiled as he finished drying his tears with his sleeve. "I'm gonna get going here alright Sumi?" Glenn looked down at Sumireko as she wiped her tears as well, standing up in the process her legs quivering as she struggled to hold in her tears.

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