Chapter Three: Enter Fantasy

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Just as fast as Glenn had jumped into Yukari's Gap, he found himself popping out of the other end, sloppily landing on the ground due to the sudden change back to gravity's norm. As he lies down on the floor, he glances around the darkened room. It was a strange room, filled with softly glowing trinkets like lava lamps, glowsticks, and other such material shinies. As Glenn took a few moments to gaze around the room, Yukari showed up behind him, already adapted to the shift in gravity.

"You can't land on your feet after such a small little fall?" Yukari said, laughing a small bit from behind her paper fan. "My my... You have much more to learn than I thought..."

"Hey! I'm not all magic and stuff Miss Yakumo... At least cut me some slack..." Glenn said as he quickly got up to his feet, rubbing his head, wincing in pain as he did so.

"Fine, fine, I suppose you got me there Graves." Yukari said before she snapped her fingers together.


As Yukari snapped her fingers together yet another gap opened behind her, a plethora of weaponry falling out and clacking against the floor, despite the messy nature of the weapons spilling out onto the floor, once all the noise of the weapons had stopped they were all neatly organized from the smallest blades, bows, and wands to the largest staffs and impossible to wield greatswords. "Pick a weapon to defend yourself with. Any weapon will do." Yukari said as she moved to the side to allow Glenn to approach the catalog of weaponry presented in front of him.

Glenn audibly "oooh'd" and "aaaah'd" as he approached the weapons, glazing over all of them until one specific broadsword caught his eye. The 40-inch sword seemed to glow with a light blue aura. The double-edged blade shone like a lighthouse, wearing its faint glow with pride. As Glenn put his right hand around the hilt of the broadsword, a strange tingling sensation flowed through his fingertips.

"Oh? Does that sword pique your interests, Glenn?" Yukari said as she watched the boy lift the sword without any issue. In Glenn's hand, the sword felt completely weightless. As Glenn swung the double-edged blade around, it only began to glow brighter, the bright shade of blue illuminating the room further than any of Yukari's trinkets ever could. With one more sudden swing, a light blue magical-seeming arc flew out of the blade and into the wall, completely cutting through it and exploding on contact, sending debris and such everywhere. Yukari shielded her eyes from the debris as light spilled into the room through the newly-made hole in the wall. "I'll take that as a yes..." Yukari sighed as Glenn looked back at her nervously. "Don't be so worried about it Glenn," Yukari said, letting out a small laugh before once again snapping her fingers, causing a gap to appear where the hole in the wall once was, and just as fast as the hole had appeared, it had vanished again as if nothing ever happened to the wall in the first place. "See? It's as good as new now. Anyways, is that the blade you'll be choosing to aid you?" Yukari said as she looked into Glenn's eyes.

"Haha... Yeah..." Glenn said nervously as he began to pick up any of Yukari's scattered trinkets, hastily placing them back up on random shelves. As he finished, he turned to Yukari, who appeared to have a book in her hands.

"So... You wish to choose the path of a Spellblade? The Warrior of both strength and mind?" Yukari said as she held her face closer to the book, reading off a line within the book. Yukari's words seemed to stir something within Glenn, confidence glazed atop his voice as he responded.

"Yes I will Yukari! And I'll journey this world and keep it safe!" Glenn said, raising his sword into the air with a smirk on his face. Yukari couldn't help but chuckle at the boy's idiocy.

"That's the spirit of Gensokyo's hero!" Yukari said, pretending her laughter was a reaction to his confidence. "Now stand still and let me get you acquainted with this world's rules." Yukari lifted her hand, firing a thin beam of light out of a magic circle that was conjured from her hand. With little to no reaction time, Glenn failed to dodge the beam as it penetrated his arm. He winced in pain, holding the wound as it began to bleed. "Now, look Glenn, that beam pierced your arm, and your bone completely, yet it only feels like you were pierced by a needle at the doctor does it not?" Yukari said as Glenn looked at his wound. As much as Glenn was hoping she was wrong, there was no denying that, although feeling minor, the wound had pierced through flesh and bone.

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