One Step Ahead

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I turn my attention back to my computer and briefly consider countering his attack with one of my own. I could make his entire computer go haywire, possibly have it start popping up porn site ads, or something of that nature. Unfortunately, that would only confirm for him that someone here at Moonwalker was exactly who he was looking for.

Still, the satisfaction of having him know that I was smarter than him was appealing to me more and more. One day, it would happen, but that day is not today.

"I'll be waiting in our room" Micah yells out.

"What for?" I yell back.

"For you to come to apologize for hurting my feelings." He cracks up towards the end, ruining the serious tone he was going for.

"Ya, I'll get right on that" I mutter, knowing he likely heard me anyways.

After Malcomb finishes taking all the files he didn't get last time, he pokes around the system a bit more. He makes it look like he's just browsing in general, but I know he's on a mission. Otherwise, he would have left. What more could he possibly want?

He clicks on our missing wolves file, not that there was anything to see there, except a blank folder, then he clicks on new pack members. Hmmm, this is interesting. I was going to leave this file empty too, but decided against it. I made a few fake profiles, going back four to seven years ago. The names were bogus, but I don't think he'll be able to figure that out anytime soon.

Then a thought occurs to me, was he looking for Ryan and Noah? It seems awfully convenient for him to be searching this particular file without someone in mind already.

I decide that it's time to give some pushback, or else he might get suspicious about why he's been able to roam about freely. I freeze his cursor several times, and when he tries to open new folders I send out the 'error' message. Within a few minutes he retreats willingly and I follow him back. I'm curious to see what he's up to.

He has no clue that I'm on his computer screen with him, hanging in the background like a silent predator. The first thing he does is pulls up Azariah's school records. Shit! Then of course once he sees that she's not who he's looking for, he types in Woods. Double shit!!

Although I don't know why I'm surprised. You'd have to be an idiot to not suspect her and I. We worked at the Ambersy lab for a couple of months, and I was personally responsible for booting him out the last time he broke into our system. Even the most basic of idiots could put two and two together.

I let my fingers hover over my keyboard, relishing in the familiar feeling of them. It would be all too easy for me to just type the words 'fuck you' and have it pop up randomly all over his computer screen. Every time he types something in, the message would come up over and over again. A smile stretches across my lips at the thought, and I have to remove my fingers from the keys before I give in.

Hopefully, my modified grades would keep him off our trail for a bit longer. We needed more time to come up with a solution on how to deal with him. Micah says his father and the other Alpha's, Finn excluded, were resistant to the idea of taking the fight to him. Which is single-handedly the stupidest thing I've heard. Why exactly were we just sitting here waiting for them to make the next move?

We knew that Ambersy pack wasn't in on it as a whole, but the same couldn't be said for Snowmoon. We need to strike while we still had the element of surprise, and considering tonight's events, I'd say our window of opportunity was diminishing rapidly.

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