"Got it." I start to walk with the group and take my place in the front of the left side of the stage. There's a girl about my age standing next to me and everytime i glance over i catch her staring at me.

"Hi, I'm camille." I extend my hand to her and she immediately took it giving me a shake back.

"Hi i'm Kaylee, im sorry for staring, you just look so familiar and i can't figure out why, it was driving me crazy." She let out a small laugh and i could see the embarrassment cross her face.

"It's okay no big deal"

"Are you um...the girl that Austin is with?"

"Oh um yeah, that's me."

"I knew it! How long have you guys been together?!" Her tone was gradually getting louder and louder. I felt taken back by her reaction and couldn't really figure out how to respond.

"We met about seven months ago."

I feel slightly awkward talking about this to a stranger, one that recognized me solely from pictures people were plastering on the internet. Luckily she didn't have time to respond as Baz called for everyone to take their places.

All i'm really meant to do is sit here quietly smiling until Austin starts singing, then i get to fawn over him which i'm fairly used to so this should be relatively easy.

"There's a lot of people saying a lot of things, but in the end you gotta listen to yourself."

And off he went. His own vocals roared through the speakers near the stage to keep him on beat, his legs were carrying him every which way, he looked so mesmerizing i couldn't take my eyes off of him.

In a second he had thrown himself to his knees leaning back to sing "Because im evil" He leaned forward right to my face and grasped my cheeks between his hand "My middle name is misery, yeah"

The reaction i was giving for the camera became very real in that moment, the screams from me and all the women surrounding me got louder and louder.

At the end of the scene Baz called cut and told everyone to take a break, i felt relief that i wasn't on camera anymore because i couldn't contain how i felt about his little maneuver.

The girl i now know as Kaylee was right on my heels as i walked back over to my chair in the corner of the sound stage, i look back at her to see if it's just a coincidence but she's heading right for me.

I turn around and she stops right in her tracks, "Hi Kaylee"

"Oh! Hi Camille! I'm sorry i know that was strange. I was wondering if there was anyway you could introduce me to Austin."

I couldn't help but to just stare at her, i can't place the connotation behind her words and it was making me nervous.

"Oh umm well that's not really up to me."

"Oh please, im a big fan i hardly doubt he will mind."

I shook my head at her words to make sure i heard her right, "I'm not saying he would mind, it's just not up to me. I'm not Austin so i don't wanna speak for him ya know?"

"Damn you are a bitch" Her face drew up in disgust at my words.

"Excuse me?" I was in total shock.

"Everyone online was right, you are a bitch. You think just because you are dating Austin Butler that you are all high and mighty, well i'll tell you something, all it would take is one look at me from him and he'd leave your sorry nobody ass behind."

it all started in vegasWhere stories live. Discover now