Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:  Duke Burgen

            There was a Kingdom in the Western Continent whose King was a mere figurehead who can't do anything. He was just there existing as he watched the ongoing hatred between the two factions become worse as time passed.

But this isn't the current focus of the story but one of the useless nobles of the Kingdom. A noble who was supposed to be one of the foundation and support for it's people. Duke Daryus Burgen, the head of the Southern Faction of the Kingdom.
He was disgraced to the former Duke Burgen who was his father. The magicless commoners of the Territory considered him a Traitor. Duke Daryus Burgen tarnished the work and effort that the former Duke Burgen paved.

Taxes are raised again in his reign on his territory. Just like the King, he merely did nothing as his magicless citizens suffered under the hands of the Mages of the Kingdom.

So when the oppressed people under his territory and in the Kingdom heard the unfortunate news of the current Duke Burgen's only child suffering from an incurable illness, everyone thought that it was nature's punishment towards him because of his actions.

They may not worship the Gods, but nature has seen it as befitting for Duke Burgen to be punished. A selfish and cowardly Duke that earned his just desserts in one of the most painful ways possible.

To see your most precious and treasured person suffering.

It was said that the only child of the Current Duke Burgen was born with a weak body. From the day he was born, the child was someone who easily get sick and was prone to caught illness. Because of that, Duke Burgen decided for his only child to stay in the Burgen Mansion.

Not much was known of the child of Duke Burgen. It can be easily guessed that the child has no friends since he has stayed inside the Burgen Mansion his whole life. It was plausible that his only interaction was with Duke Burgen and the servants.

Other than that piece of information, the mother of the child has died of childbirth. She was considered to be an apathetic and selfish woman who didn't care about the people suffering in the Kingdom. She was one of the causes of the suffering of magic-less citizens and natives.

The current Duke Burgen's wife was a mage with one of the highest statuses in the Kingdom. It was a loss for the Mages when she died but a blessing for the oppressed people.

The current Duke Burgen is a traitor because he was of the same kind as his father and the oppressed people. But he has turned his back on the former Duke's cause and the majority who were suffering under the hands of the mages.

He has opposed his father because of her. The current Duke Burgen became a mere puppet for the Mages because of his love for his wife.

It was disgusting.

So many people see it befitting that one of his precious people was about to be taken away again from him. They didn't dare to place themselves in his shoes. A father who was in despair as he wait for his son to get better.

A father who has spent sleepless nights awake worrying for his son. He wore a tired face as he stare at his son whose condition get worse and worse every day.

Lately, the current Duke Burgen who was also just a father can't even dare to go inside his child's room anymore as it was painful to see his child's condition.

Since his child was born, he was sickly and pale. As a result of that, his child has a thin body. But because of the recent incurable illness that was discovered, even the so-called 'thin' stature was gone replaced by a mere skeletal frame.

Even the so-called prodigious and best mages in the kingdom can't do anything about his only child's illness.
They even don't know the reason or the source of his disease.

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