Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Southern Faction Meeting

     Two days after the Thrifa Town Celebration, in the capital of the Southern Territory of the Whipper Kingdom, there was a special occasion today. It wasn't a celebration of the founding or celebration of a good harvest of the crops. Today, was the annual gathering of the Southern Faction nobles hosted by Earl Tiaki.

In total, counting Duke Daryus and Earl Frayson Burgen, there are a total of 12 Nobles in the Southern Territory.

1 Duke, 1 Marchioness, 2 Earls, 2 Viscounts, 2 Countess, and 4 Barons.

Duke Daryus Burgen is the highest authority in the Southern Territory except for the King and the Liege of the Magic Tower.

The Duke arrived at Earl Tiaki's castle and was escorted by one of the servants to the meeting room which has been used several times for this special occasion like important meetings.

As the servant opened the door and Duke Burgen noticed the people inside the room, he heard one of them scoffing.

" Thankfully, our 'esteemed' Duke isn't late unlike others. "

The way that it was said was full of sarcasm and mocking. But hearing the familiar voice, Duke Burgen smiled.

" Frayson... I am glad that you have returned. "

Earl Frayson whom the Duke have come into disagreement and didn't attend the previous southern territory noble meetings was currently seating in his seat. His posture wasn't befitting of a noble and he have his leg placed on the table.

Hearing the Duke's words, Earl Frayson gritted his teeth. If Earl Tiaki didn't convince him to come back and the recent and unexpected actions of the Duke, Frayson wouldn't be interested in coming back to their 'Southern Faction Alliance' at all.

The Duke then went to greet the other nobles who have already arrived and the Host of the meeting Earl Tiaki.

Later, all of the Southern Nobles arrived with the last noble arriving who was Marchioness Asche who was noble in charge of guarding the border between the Whipper Kingdom and the Jungle.

With her arrival, it was now the start of the meeting. The peaceful and silent atmosphere from earlier turned into a silent tension.

Wryly chuckling, Earl Tiaki tried to break the silent atmosphere.

" I am glad that everyone had decided to attend our Southern Noble Alliance Meeting. I am grateful that everyone has accepted my invitation. Let's now get into the business shall we everyone? "

Earl Tiaki then gestured toward one of the Barons. Baron Wasser then started speaking about the recent improving development of his territory. Every time he talks he keeps darting his eyes toward the Duke every time he mentioned the recent positive changes that happened in his territory.

After Baron Wassen, the other 3 barons reporting also the improvements in their territory. But after the improvements, it was now Viscount's Layrin about the several reported disappearances of the people in the Path of No Return.

The other Viscount and the 2 counts then reported the protests of the people in their territory and what have they done to solve the ongoing protests.

" Still. There have been improvements regarding the protest on my territory... "

Count Morgen muttered. After the report of the barons, counts, and Viscounts, It was now Earl Frayson's turn. Instead of reporting the state of his territory, he decided to talk about the topic that several southern nobles were curious about but have been consciously avoiding.

" Thank the nature that you have finally come to your senses to reduce the taxes, Duke Burgen. "

Several nobles winced when they heard the blunt words of Earl Frayson. His fellow Southern Earn then chastised Earl Frayson for his behavior.

" Earl Frayson! "

" I am just merely stating a fact, Earl Tiaki. Surely, you won't block my freedom on expressing my honest opinions, would you? "

Under the fierce glare, the pacifist Earl Tiaki hesitated. Before it could escalate further, Duke Burgen who was watching decided to intervene.

" I am not offended by his words Earl Tiaki. Other than Earl Frayson, everyone was free to express their thoughts and opinions since this is our Southern Noble Alliance meeting after all. "

Silence descended for a few seconds after the Duke's words. But after that, Marchioness Asche then asked the Duke.

" It is good that the taxes in the Southern Territory are reduced to 60%. But other than the very high rate of taxes which was the reason for the high rate of poverty of the common people of Whipper Kingdom. It wasn't only the problem. Can I ask the Duke to perhaps, we can increase the security rate of our Southern Territory to the point that there would be no sudden reports of 'people missing' for questionable reasons? "

After the question, a somber mood fell into the meeting room. All of the nobles in the room aren't ignorant of the reason why people in their territory suddenly went missing. And most of the people who went missing are Orphan children who were parentless or guardians. Just imagining what is happening to them, was unbearable for them.

And they also feel disgusted with themselves. Under the reign of Duke Burgen in the Southern Territory, they have done a lot of things that compromise with their principles and morals.

Even with the usual 'Survival of the Fittest' mindset of them, the thought of letting just those things happen to their citizens doesn't sit well with them. Every day, they are burdened with guilt.

The Southern nobles have a complicated relationship with the current Duke Burgen. They hate the Duke for letting this kind of vile action happen in the Southern Territory and not keeping up with his Father's legacy. On the other hand, they also pity and sympathize with his plight.

Just like the King, Duke Burgen is powerless to do anything against the mages and the liege of Magic Tower. It was also late when the Duke realized his reckless and ignorant actions when he was still an immature young man.

He has fallen for the Magic Tower's trap which was Burgen's household downfall. And that trap happens to be in the form of Duchess Arathra Burgen.

After the southern nobles waited for a few minutes, Daryus replied to Marchioness Asche's question.

" It wasn't guaranteed... But I would negotiate with the Liege of the Magic Tower. "

It was better late than never for Duke Burgen to start making changes even though most of them are feeling bitter about why just this year.

They have a growing dread, that the people's anger would reach it's peak and it would result into something that would brought changes to the Whipper Kingdom.

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