Chapter 2, Make room for Sorcha!

Start from the beginning

He smiled wickedly as he looked down at me.

"You may not be a Disney princess, but you are royalty now. Goddess Queen of Jotunnheim to be exact, your Majesty."

It was my turn to look horrified. I hadn't even considered that.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean anything, right?"

Loki sat up. "On the contrary, that means everything."

"But, there aren't really any Jotunn left..."

The thought of being queen terrified me for some reason. I prefer to be in the background, not the centre of attention.

"Can't I make you king instead?"

"No, you can not," Loki said softly. "There is only us now. The least we can do is respect and uphold the customs of our people."

"Of course," I agreed, I could see from the look on his face how important this was to him.

"And what does that make you?"

"Prince Consort to the Goddess Queen of Jotunnheim, and General of her Armies." He smiled wryly, "said armies constituting out of all of one of me."

"I outrank you?" my eyes started gleaming and I could feel the corner of my mouth twitch.

"Eh... technically, yes," Loki hedged, noticing the glint in my eye.

"Does that mean you will have to obey my every whim from now on?"

It was Loki's turn to burst out in laughter.

"How well do you know me by now, my adorably deranged wife? I'm certain you know the answer to that question!"

I pulled him back on top of me.

"I can think of a few ways to make you promise to obey my every whim," I whispered in his ear.

A lascivious smile crept over Loki's face as he growled back: "And I can think of more than a few ways to make you obey mine!"

I wrapped my arms around him, feeling my whole body begin to tingle as he knew exactly what to do to make me forget everything about queens and princesses and continue to enjoy the sheer pleasure that had been our wedding night.

There is only so long one can stay in bed, however, even on the night and morning after their wedding. Especially since we hadn't had anything to eat since the morning before. Eventually, the growling of Loki's stomach became too loud to ignore, and reluctantly we put on some clothes and made our way to the kitchen.

Jessie had stayed the night at Richard's and neither of us had heard Thor leave that morning although admittedly, we hadn't exactly been paying attention.

We were in the middle of making breakfast together as the front door opened. I readied my magic at the same time as Loki summoned his daggers.

"Mum? Loki? Are you home?"

We smiled at each other in relief and walked into the hallway to greet Jessie and Thor who was with her.

"I asked Uncle Thor to pick me up because you weren't answering your phones. He said that there was trouble yesterday. Are you two okay?" Jessie's face was pale and anxious.

Loki and I looked at each other, the huge grin on his face mirroring my own as we held up our hands to show off our wedding rings.

"MUM!" Jessie let out a scream of joy and barreled right into my arms, nearly knocking me over.

"Are you pleased, Jess?" Loki asked Jessie.

"I couldn't be happier," she nodded tearfully. "Now you finally really are my stepdad!"

Sorcha's Secret World, Part 2: Mystery and Mischief.Where stories live. Discover now