-The next day, in school-

"Am i that naive? I honestly thought going to this school would be nothing but beautiful. You may already know that only a few scholarships are offered at this school, and that most students who go here are wealthy. But don't worry you won't belong the school, don't hold on to any statuses, financial or social. I believe that the most important thing is we all have the right to dream. This is our time. If you believe in yourself and follow your dream, a bright future awaits for you." Mira says.

Gorya was sat in the cafeteria watching a video of Mira's speech. She looked up from her phone and looked up at the F4 seating area. It was on the floor above the cafeteria but like a balcony, so they could watch down on everyone. F4 walked into their seating area and all the girls looked up at them and blew kisses.

Gorya put her head back down and frowned, continuing to watch the video until...

"Are you watching Mira's clip?" Hana says as she places her tray on the table and sits down next to Gorya. "She's the coolest, don't you think?" Hana adds.

"You know her too?" Gorya asks excitedly.

"How can i not? Mira is my idol. I decided to go to this school because of her." Hana says smiling.

"Same here." Gorya says as her smile fades and she looks back down at her phone.

"Is anything bothering you?" Hana asks, noticing her smile fade. "You look upset. Are you thinking about yesterday?" Hana adds, Gorya nods.

"Yes." Gorya says.

"I'm feeling bad too. That kind of bullying is awful. I must thank you for warning me, otherwise, I may have helped him and got myself in trouble. Thank you, friend" Hana says, hugging Gorya's arm.

Gorya smiles and turns away as it fades.

"How about this? Let's focus on schoolwork, stay quiet and safe until graduation." Gorya says, putting a hand next to her face so no one can see what she is saying.

Hana smiles and nods. "Stay quiet and safe for a bright future, like what Mira said" Hana says, also putting a hand next to her face. They both laugh.

"I have to go" Hana says, grabbing her tray and standing up. "See you" Gorya says as she looks back down at her phone.

Hana walks off until the sound of food dropping on the floor silences the whole cafeteria. Gorya turns and sees Hana's food fall off her tray onto someone's shoe.

Thyme's shoe.

Hana stood in front of Thyme, shaking and frightened as the rest of F4 stood behind him. Thyme looked up from his shoe and at Hana directly. Gorya looks away, worried for her friend.

"Is this your way of approaching a guy?" Thyme says. Hana stands, holding tightly to her tray, shaking out of fear.

"Thyme, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I'll have your shoes cleaned or buy you a new pair." Hana says, a shake in her voice.

"Buy a new pair? Do you know what these are? These are tailor-made in Paris. Can you buy these?" Thyme says.

"Thyme, go easy on her. She's cute." MJ says.

"Thyme, I want to make it up to you. I'll do whatever it takes just as long as you forgive me." Hana says as she grabs Thymes hand but he pulls it away aggressively.

"Whatever it takes?" Thyme says as a smirk grows on his face. "What would that be?" He adds.

"She can clean your shoes now!" A student shouts. "Or lick them" Another student adds.

"That?" Thyme asks. "I wouldn't mind though" he says as he pushes his shoe closer to Hana.

"Lick it, if you do it, I may forgive you" Thyme says.

"Lick it. Lick it. Lick it." All the students cheer.

The cheering got so frustrating. Gorya couldn't stand sitting their whilst her friend was about to be forced to like a dirty shoe. Hana was crying, Gorya couldn't deal with this anymore.

She slammed her hands on the desk and stood up, causing everyone to stop cheering. She stood there for a second, rethinking what she was about to do, but it was too late to turn back. Everyone was looking at her.

She gathered her strength and walked over to Thyme, standing in front of him with her head down.

"What are you doing?" Thyme asks. Gorya was shocked that she did that so it took her time to answer. "Answer me." He adds.

"I think it's too much." Gorya says as she looks Thyme in the eyes. All of F4 look at her in shock. "What did you just say?" Thyme asks.

"I said, I think it's too much. You can see my friend didn't mean to. Cant you forgive her? Please spare her." Gorya asks, looking him in the eyes.

"You dare order me around?" Thyme says as a smirk grows on his face.

"I'm not..." Gorya says as she looks up at Thyme.

She looks back down in fear.

"Sure. Sure. I forgive your friend, as per your order." Thyme says.

"You misunderstood, I didn't..." Gorya says as she is cut off by Thyme walking towards Hana.

"You're lucky to have such a good friend." Thyme says in Hana's ear as he leans back and looks at Gorya before walking away.

The rest of F4 follow him, leaving Gorya, standing in the middle of the cafeteria, terrified.

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