family meeting - javon

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Age: 16
Word count: 903


Me and Javon has been together for a little over 6 months. Still he hasn't met my family. I mean, he has met my parents and my sister. But he hasn't met my grandparents. Probably not so weird, since they live in New York.

But their visiting us for the weekend, which means this is Javon's time to meet them. I am a bit nervous, but probably everyone would be.

It's currently Thursday, my grandparents are coming tomorrow night and Javon will meet them on Saturday.


I laid in Javon's bed drawing circles on his bare back when i got a message from my mom. I grabbed my phone to answer her.

Hi baby

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Hi baby. Just wondering if
you're staying at the Walton's

                                              Yeah, I'll come home  
                                              tomorrow morning :)

Okay. I love you!

                                              I love you too mom<3

I placed my phone down on the bed, looking down at Javon, peacefully sleeping on my chest

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I placed my phone down on the bed, looking down at Javon, peacefully sleeping on my chest. I wiggled down a bit, making him nuzzle his head in my neck instead. I soon fell asleep in Javon's arms.


It's Saturday, which means that Javon's coming over to meet the rest of my family. And i'm kinda freaking out.

He'll be here in an hour, then we'll be eating dinner before a game night tonight.

My family is very welcoming and sweet and Javon is also very sweet and respectful, plus he's used to talking to adults, so i know everything will be fine. But i'm still very nervous.


I have helped mom and grandma in the kitchen, gotten ready and set the table. Javon will be here any second so i'm sitting in the living room, nervously waiting for the doorbell to ring.

When it finally does i jump up running to the door. Telling everyone that i'll get it.

I swung the door open revealing a smiling Javon. I immediately pull him into a hug.

"Hey baby." Javon chuckle.

"I'm so nervous, i'm literally about to cry." I mumble into his neck.

"Hey. It'll be fine." He smile as we pull away. I then notice the bouquet of flowers. He's too sweet. My grandma loves flowers.

I grab his hand, pulling him towards the kitchen, wanting to get over with it. I think it is a good idea to start with my grandma.

When we walk into the kitchen my grandma smile before pulling Javon into a big hug. I laugh at the sight, Javon being so much taller than her. She pulls away from the hug, taking his face in her hands.

"What an handsome boy you've found Y/n." She smiles at me.

"I know right." I chuckle. Javon laugh, still holding my hand tight.

"It's really nice meeting you Mrs. Y/l/n. I bought you some flowers." Javon say.

"Wow, how beautiful. Thank you so much. And please call me Y/g/n (your grandma's name)." She tells him, pulling him in for a short hug, which he returns.

Javon quickly say hi to my mom before we walk into the living room, to meet my grandpa.

"Grandpa, this is my boyfriend Javon." I place a hand on his shoulder as he sits on the couch, his back facing us. He quickly stand up with a big smile in his face.

"So your the young man who stole my granddaughter's heart." He reach out his hand, to introduce himself.

"That's me. Javon." Javon chuckle, returning the hand shake.

"Y/g/n (your grandpa's name). So i heard your a boxer."

"Yeah, i am." Javon answer. I could see on Javon's whole body that he suddenly got really interested in the conversation.

"I have boxed my whole life, sadly i've gotten a little too old." My grandpa chuckle, sitting down on the couch again. Javon joining him.

I place a hand on Javon's shoulder, which grab his attention again.

"I'm gonna go help in the kitchen. You're fine here by yourself?" I quietly ask him. I know he will be. These two could sit here for hours talking about boxing, no doubt in my mind.

"Yeah, don't worry." He smile, quickly continuing his conversation with my grandpa.


I walk back into the living room 30 minutes later, to find Javon and grandpa boxing. My heart melts seeing Javon being so careful because of my grandpa's health.

I stand there for a few minutes just admiring them. I could feel myself fall more in love with my boyfriend, if that's even possible.

"Dinner's ready guys." I smile.

"Probably the best, i don't want to see this young boys face when he loses to an old man." My grandpa says, walking past me into the kitchen.

I walk into the living room, throwing my arms around Javon's neck. Letting out a big sigh. His hands find their way around my waist as he rest his head in top of mine.

"You good baby?" He whisper, kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah." I say, smiling up at him.

I stand on my tippy toes placing a quick kiss on his lips.

"Is that all i get?" A smirk finding its way to his lips.

I chuckle before standing on my toes again, this time placing a passionate kiss on his lips. I pull away after a few seconds. Smiling up at him.

"We have to go eat now." I start to walk into the kitchen.

"I love youuuu." Javon say to me, dragging out the 'you'.

I laugh before saying it back.


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