Chapter 18: The Unknown Number

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"The Best Is Yet To Come"


A squeal escaped my parted lips as my locker door shut and I came to face the women I felt I had not seen in a while, we both attacked each other into a tight hug jumping up and down. To others this may seem odd, but at the very moment none of us seemed to care.

Ariel was the friend I cherished, someone I met when I moved to England. In an unknown country, in an unknown city she came as a stranger and became part of my family. The only family I could feel safe with.

"I was beginning to assume you had left England for good without telling me." She spoke as we pulled away, she held both my arms as a wide smile broke out on to her face.
"You really think I would leave you without a goodbye." I said arching my eyebrows and she shrugged her shoulders before shaking her head no.

"Omg, what is this... your engaged." She yelled loudly, the students walking in the hallway all paused to stare at us and the big revelation Ariel had just shouted for every at St Royal's University to hear.
"Shush, I am. Everything happened so quickly that I did not have time to explain or even inform you. I am so sorry." I gave Ariel an apologetic look she rolled her eyes but nodded her head in understanding. We both turned making our way to our first scheduled lecture.

"Please don't tell me it's the guy you went on a cruise with...what's his name. Connor Morning." She scowled at the mention of Conner, a shudder left my body hearing his name. But I shook my head at her.
"No, dear God I would never marry that guy. I am engaged to Damien De Luca. It's complicated but I will explain everything after lecture." I said to which she narrowed her eyes brows but nodded her head. Ariel came from a middle class family, her father was the head cop in Chelsea. Which also meant to she knew all the gossip before everyone else.

"I feel as if I have heard the name De Luca." She said, but I shrugged my shoulders. Damien was well known world wide, he was a billionaire after all with multiple business chains.
"Probably on the vogue magazines for the hottest bachelor." I said too which she nodded her head still in thoughts to where she had heard his name, she seemed to let go as we entered our classroom. It was still empty as there was still five minutes till the bell rang.

"Your picture was all over tabloids, looking sexy in the dresses. I was mesmerised by how photogenic you are, if only was a even half as pretty as you. When a picture is taken of me in our family gatherings I look like a big covered in mud." I gave her a gentle slap on her shoulders at her words, Ariel was beautiful with her blonde hair and brown eyes, she was someone a person would call eye catching. But she would never admit it.

"You speak so little of yourself, Ariel your stunning. By the way how was your Easter break?" I asked, she smiled excitedly pulling her phone out as she began to show me pictures from her phone gallery.
"It was amazing, me and little Mabel went to the circus that came to Hyde park. She absolutely loved it." My smile dropped, as my eyes fell on the blonde headed girl beside Ariel. She was only four but looked like a model from the kids magazine.

"I have been meaning to ask, how is Mabel?" She looked into my eyes seeing the look in my face, she grabbed ahold of my hand and smiled.
"Mabel is very well. In fact she's all prepared to start primary school in September." I smiled hearing about Mabel, she was in fact a bright little girl. Just like her mother. We never really were able to find her biological father, but it never seemed like Mabel needed anyone other than Ariel. She was enough.

"That's good to hear, Mabel is in fact an angel. I have brought her some gifts, which I will give to her when I pop down. As I no longer live with you, Mabel can finally have her own room." I said to which Ariel nodded her head.

"She misses you dearly, she would love for you to come and drop by. Even though it's boring to live with out you, Mable had settled in her new room very well." We both laughed, smiling widely as the students began to fill into the lecture room. I had not realised how much I had missed England until now, even though I had only gone to Italy for a short period of time I had made England my home, and it felt right to be here.

"Do tell her, Aunt Kelsey misses her dearly." I said to which Ariel nodded her head promising to tell her, before we turned our head focusing on the lecturer. My eyes scanning the images of different materials of fabric, as Miss James explained which material is used best for what.

I felt my phone buzz, making me pull my phone out as I narrowed eyes at the unknown number who had texted me. Unlocking my phone, I opened the text reading what had been sent to me.

'It's Damien, my phone cracked so this is my new number. Meet me at the Corner alley after lecture.' I felt weird to why Damien wanted to meet me at the Corner Alley, which was a quiet and isolated alley way. Not used by many, and those who did use that alley way it was for dealing drugs and many other things.

'I'll be there shortly.' I replied back, before tucking my phone away. And refocusing my attention back on the board as my lecturer explained our upcoming assignment.

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