Commission Competition

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Okay... here it goes...

I need your help...

I am in the final throes of editing A Tall and Small Collection | Soren and preparing to order all of the copies.


I am obviously not an artist. While I'm getting better, I do not feel comfortable in creating a book cover for my novel. I want to deliver the best possible product to all of you because you deserve nothing but the best.

With that being said, I would like to commission a piece from you, the community.

I would be honored beyond words to feature your art on the cover. You can do what I cannot and this is just a fragment of what this community is capable of.

So, if you are interested, let me know if you would like to work with me to design the cover of this book 📕 .

I cannot thank you all enough for the love and support you have showered on me. I don't feel like I've earned or deserved your praise and strive every day to earn you. Your complements send me over the moon and remember it is you who inspires me every day.

Cheers and, as always, stay awesome!

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