Chapter 17 Bay

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After we ate I went to my room and took a shower. Once I was out of the shower and changed, Rocco came into my room and sat down on my bed. He asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I nodded yes and passed him the remote. Halfway through the movie Lorenzo came into my room and said it was time for bed because there is school tomorrow. I grabbed my notepad and wrote that I don't go to school. I do online school. Lorenzo said that's fine and that I could stay in online school if it's more comfortable for me. It's now the next morning and it's 6:00am. I get dressed and head downstairs for breakfast where I see pancakes and all the boys with Lorenzo. I sit down at the table and Lorenzo hands me my food. I only eat half of it because I'm still not used to eating a lot. The boys head to the car to go to school and I follow them to say bye with Lorenzo. All the boys were in the car when Matteo asked why I'm not coming. I looked at Lorenzo and he said that I do online school and with that the boys left for school. At 6:30 I start my online school. I may look 12 but I am actually 15 and in highschool so I do all four of my classes which are math, english, art and science. By 10:00am I had fired through all my school work and decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink. When I got down there I saw Lorenzo. He asked why I wasn't doing my school so I grabbed my notepad and wrote that I was finished. He asked to see my work and when I showed him he looked confused and asked why I was doing 10th grade school. I was confused did he think I was stupid so I wrote to him that I was 15. He looked shocked. He told me he thought I was 12. Well at least he doesn't think i'm stupid. At 3:00pm the boys got home from school and asked how school was for me and I looked at Lorenzo and he said all my work looked good. The boys asked if they could see what I did and I nodded. When they looked at my work they asked why I was doing highschool and Lorenzo heard so he told them that I am actually 15. They all looked at me and I nodded. They all looked shocked. Once everyone was done with that we all went our separate ways. I decided that I was going to go for a walk and left a note for the boys. I got back from my walk at 6:00pm just in time for dinner. When I walked into the kitchen everyone was already there so I took my seat and Lorenzo asked how my walk was so I gave him a thumbs up. When we finished everyone went their separate ways for the rest of the night. 

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