Chapter 16 Lorenzo

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Once we got home I sent some people to set up Bay's room and put her stuff away. I decided that it would be a good idea for all of us to get to know Bay so I called everyone to the living room. Once Bay and my boy's are here and everyone is sitting down I tell them that we should get to know Bay since she's family now. I asked Bay to tell us about herself. All she did was shrug her shoulders so I asked her what her favorite colour is. She pulled out her notepad to start writing so I told her she can just tell us. Bay looked kinda mad and shook her head no. I hate being told no and raised my voice saying why can't you just talk to us. She looked like she was about to cry and I felt so bad but before I could apologize to her she went running out the door. I went running after but she was already gone. I went back into the house and told the boys to split up and look for her. It's been almost an hour and we still haven't found her and I am starting to really freak out. As I start to yell for her some more my phone rings. It's Elio he said he found her and sent everyone her location. When we get to her location I see that it is an abandoned building. Why would she go here? I thought to myself as I walked in to look for her. We found her sitting on the edge of the roof. When I saw her sitting there I felt scared. I don't want to lose her. I go sit beside her and see her crying. I can't believe I did this to her now. How will she ever trust me now? She looked at me as I said hey then she looked away. I started apologizing for raising my voice at her for not talking and said it was okay if she didn't want to speak. After about five minutes she looked at me again and I asked if she could come back home with us. She thought about it for a moment then nodded her head. I was secretly hoping that she would speak and when she didn't I was a little disappointed but that's okay. I held her hand as I helped stand up and off the ledge. We then all headed back home. Once we got there I ordered dinner for us and we ate as we got to know Bay and she got to know us. But the one thing she can never know is that I'm the Italian mafia boss and the boy's work with me. I don't want to scare her off.

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