Chapter 11 Lorenzo

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I now have Bay in the car with me on the way to the hospital with my boys and Marcus following us. We get to the hospital and I rush in. They get Bay and take her straight into surgery. Me and the boys are in the waiting room and I am so scared. After about 4 hours of her in surgery her doctor comes out and says we can go see her. The boys wait outside while I go into her room. I feel so bad for her when I see her laying in that hospital bed. I sit next to her and hold her hand. Then her doctor walks in and tells me she should wake up soon and let the boys in to see her. After an hour Bay starts to wake up. I jump to her side and she starts to freak out when she sees all the boys. I hold her in my arms saying "sh sh sh it's okay no one can hurt you now. You're safe." She looks at me and starts to calm down. I tell her what happened and how I found her and she nods. She sees the boys again and I tell her that they are my sons and they won't hurt her. Her doctor said she is ready to leave but needs a lot of rest and someone will be here to pick her up and bring her back to the orphanage. Once the lady that came to pick her up I asked if it's okay for me to adopt her and the lady told me I would have to come down to the orphanage and sign the papers then I can take her home if Bay agrees for me to adopt her. 

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