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I wake up in cold sweat, opening my eyes to be greeted by the sight of the ceiling. I sigh and sit up, rubbing my face with my hands. I only now notice I'm slightly trembling.

I rest my back against the bedpost, grabbing my phone from the nightstand. I turn it on, instantly getting flash banged. I groan, lowering the brightness and looking at the time.

Wow, it's almost 4 AM. Is it even worth going back to sleep? I am still sleepy, but I probably won't be able to actually fall asleep.

I sigh and place my phone back down. I lay down and close my eyes, trying to sleep. But the only thing on my mind is the faceless figures of my parents, reminding me of how worthless I am.

There is only one person I could seek comfort from, right now. But she's sleeping, and I won't go embarrassing myself, just because of a bad dream.

I continue to try and sleep, but to no avail. I finally open my eyes to see the moon, through the window. The moonlight is illuminating the room just enough to see minor details of what's around me.

I know Wanda would want me to tell her about this. But I'll do it tomorrow, she needs her sleep. I just lay down, staring at the moon, the faceless figures continuing to talk in my mind.

Maybe they're right. I am worthless, and a burden. I still haven't found a job to be able to move out. The Avengers have been helping me get back on my feet, but I can't even find a job. But then again, there aren't many jobs going around, which would require my particular skillset.

I keep thinking about job possibilities, and ways I could pay the Avengers back for helping me. And I'm genuinely surprised when I hear a knock on my door.

I cautiously get up, making my way to the door. I grab the door handle, ready to defend myself from any type of danger that could be coming to my room at 4 AM. But when I pull the door open, I see the sleepy face of my girlfriend.

"Wanda?" she's clad in nothing but a simple T-Shirt and shorts.

"Hey." she smiles, sleepily.

"What are you doing here? It's almost 4 AM." I ask.

"After the night we had our first kiss." I see her slightly blush, thanks to the moonlight "I asked Friday to alert me whenever you were in distress, no matter what I was doing."

"Why?" I ask. Of course, I'm really touched by the thought, but I'm fine.

"Because I care about you. A lot." she says, making the corners of my lips twitch upwards.

"I do, too."

"So, can I come in? I want cuddles." she grins. I happily let her inside, closing the door. She comfortingly grabs my hand and leads me to my bed, getting under the covers. I climb in next to her, laying down. I use the chance to lay my head on her chest.

I'm obviously not showing it, but my heart is racing right now. I'm laying next to Wanda, in limited clothing, my face an inch away from her breasts. She could push me off any second.

But instead, she wraps her arms around me, planting a soft kiss in my hair. I lay my arm over her waist and pull myself closer to her body.

"I'm guessing you had a nightmare?" she asks. I mumble a silent "Mm-hm" for an answer. She starts running her hand through my hair, in a comforting manner.

"Would you like to tell me about it?" she asks.

"It's the same." I mumble, really enjoying her touch and smell, as creepy as that wouldn't sound.

"Alright, it's okay. Let's try to get some sleep, okay?" I lightly nod my head, as she kisses my forehead. I really don't like that she makes me feel vulnerable. Like I could tell her anything and she won't judge me. I'm not used to it.

But despite that, can't ignore the feeling of trust and comfort I gain from her. She got up so late, or rather early, just because I had a nightmare. That shows just how much she cares.

"Am I worthless?" I silently mumble.

"What? No, of course not." she replies "Y/N, it's just a dream, it wasn't real. Nothing they told you is real."

"Yeah, but I feel like I'm burdening you, all of you. I still haven't found a job."

"Y/N, you're not worthless, or a burden, I promise you that. Don't think like that. You're at least looking for a job, that counts for something, and as much as I don't want you to move out, I'm willing to help you, and I will help you get back on your feet."

I stay silent for a few seconds, letting her words sink in. Maybe she's right. Just maybe, she has a point.

"Thank you." I mumble. She tightens her grip around me. Placing multiple loving kisses along my forehead.

"Of course. Now, try to get some sleep, alright?"


I wake up the next morning, to a hand continuously running through my hair and the TV playing in the background.

My eyes flutter open to be greeted with the sight of Wanda's chest, and Prison Break playing on the TV.

"Morning." I mumble, rolling to my back and stretching my limbs.

"Good morning, sleepy. How'd you sleep? Any more nightmares?" she asks, as I place my head on her shoulder.

"It was okay, and no. I'll have to sleep next to you more often." I chuckle.

"No complaints from me." she replies. I raise my head to look at her, to see a smile playing on her lips. Our eyes lock, as I lean up connecting our lips in a sweet kiss.

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