Catching Feelings

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Wanda's POV:

I enter the living room, still not fully awake. Everyone is already there, except for Y/N. Though I'll worry about that later.

I make my way to the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. I add some milk and start to slowly sip the warm liquid, feeling myself waking up.

''So, you guys got any plans for today?'' Steve asks. Peter is the first to respond.

''Y/N and I are gonna train together!'' he excitedly replies, making me smile. About a year ago, I used to have a big crush on Peter. Though with time it faded away and now I see him as a brother. And soon after that, he started dating Nat.

I actually think that Peter and Nat make a really cute couple. They have quite the age gap between them, but that doesn't seem to bother anyone.

''Speaking of which, where is Y/N?'' Clint asks.

''Mr. L/N is on his way up here, right now.'' Friday's voice replies, just as the elevator dings and the doors open. Y/N steps out, greeting us. He's replied with multiple 'good morning's.

''Where were you?'' I ask.

''Out for a walk. I needed some fresh air.'' he replies, as I nod.

It's already been a week since Y/N temporarily moved to the tower. Not gonna lie, I wish he would settle here permanently. He's a great guy, and also really sweet.

For example, he yesterday made me breakfast just because I slept in. He brought it to my room and left it on the nightstand with a note, saying who it was.

''You ready Pete?'' Y/N asks, looking in Peter's direction.

''Yeah! I'm gonna go change right now!'' he says. He kisses Nat's cheek and jumps up from the couch, jogging to the elevator. Y/N follows him, also stepping inside the elevator.

As the doors close, I finish my coffee and place the cup in the dishwasher, before heading to the elevator as well.

I make my way up to the penthouse and to my room, closing the door behind me. I flop down on my bed, lazily grabbing the remote and turning on the TV. I log into Netflix and continue watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine, from where I left off yesterday.


I turn on the TV and sit up, stretching my arms. I glance at the time, to see that I've already been watching the show for more than 3 hours.

I get out of the bed and leave my room, heading to the elevator. Though as I'm walking, I almost bump into Peter.

''Hey, Pete. Where's Y/N?'' I ask. I thought they want training together.

''Oh, hey Wanda! He's still in the gym, said he wanted to train a bit by himself.'' he replies. I thank him and walk to the elevator.

Though instead of going to the living area, as I first planned, I go down to the gym. When the doors open, I step out to see a shirtless Y/N, who is currently doing the salmon ladder.

His full attention is turned to the bar he's holding, as soft beat music is sounding through the speakers. I can see his abs and muscles flexing with every movement.

I silently stand in the corner of the room, admiring how hot he looks. Multiple trickles of sweat are rolling down his body, as his hair is moist as well.

I can hear the loud clanging of the metal over the music, but I completely ignore it. When he reaches the top, he jumps down while still holding the bar.

He sets it down on the lowest rung and walks over to his stuff. He takes a sip from his water bottle, as I walk over to him. His back is turned to me, so he doesn't notice me approaching.

I use the chance of being so close to him, to admire his scars. They're beautiful. They show just how much he's been through, and they really suit him. Though I understand why he doesn't want anyone seeing them.

''Hey.'' I greet, causing him to turn around and look at me. He places down his bottle, swallowing the water.

''Hey.'' he replies. I can tell he feels slightly uncomfortable when he reaches for his shirt and pulls it over his head. I want to make a comment saying he shouldn't be ashamed of his body or scars, but this is not the best time.

''What are you doing here?'' he asks, as we sit down on the bench.

''I came to see you. Keep you company.'' I reply. He nods in response, before resting his head back against the wall.

''Yeah, well I'm probably gonna call it a day, soon. I'm pretty tired.'' he says.

''Yeah, I can see that.'' I say, wiping a trickle of sweat from his forehead, causing him to chuckle.

A comfortable silence sets in the room, as I keep looking at his calm face. His eyes are closed, as hair has fallen in front of his face. I use my finger to push a strand of hair away, but he opens his eyes just as I do that.

I quickly pull my hand back in embarrassment, as he smiles. He runs his hand through his hair, combing it back. I swear every time he does that I go weak at the knees. That movement looks so handsome on him.

I guess I have a bigger first attraction for him than I'd like to admit. But I can't help it. His looks are a huge bonus, but I really love his personality. After everything he's gone through in his life, he still manages to put on a smile every day.

I guess I might or might not have started developing a tiny crush on him. But I'm sure it's just like the crush on Peter, it's nothing special and it's probably going to be gone in a few weeks or months.

There is no reason to get my hopes up just to get disappointed in the end. Though if you keep your hopes low and realistically possible, you most likely won't be met with that disappointment in the end.

''Alright, well, I'm gonna go clean up. You gonna stay here?'' Y/N says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

''No, I'm going.'' I reply. We make our way to the elevator, stepping in together. He presses the button to the 92nd floor, leading to the penthouse.

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