My Backstory

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I want to apologize for the delay!

I'm experiencing some heavy writer's block, but I'll do my best to continue to provide you with the best content I can make.

Thank you for reading, enjoy!


I leave the bathroom and head to the closet, the towel still wrapped around my hips. I can't remember the last time I took an actual warm shower.

I open the closet, to be met with a huge collection of different styles and sizes of outfits and underwear. I grab a pair of simple black boxers, dropping the towel, and slipping them on.

I choose a pair of black sweatpants and a white T-Shirt. I go for a black hoodie and ankle socks. I put on my chosen outfit, before closing the closet and walking to the built-in body mirror.

I check my reflection and smile at the completely different look than I had a week ago. I run my hand over my shaved chin, feeling the smooth skin.

I run my hand through my hair and messily comb it back, before turning around and leaving the room. I make my way to the elevator, heading down to the living area.

As soon as I leave the elevator, everyone's attention turns to me. Tony whistles, as others compliment my new look. I smile and thank them, sitting across from Tony.

''Tony, I want to thank you again. I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity.'' I say. He smiles and ruffles my hair. I chuckle and comb it back with my hand, before standing up.

I walk over to Peter and flop down on the bean bag that's next to him ''So, what about that Call of Duty game?'' 

He smiles and starts rambling about how the game works and what you're supposed to do. He talks me through the controls and I quickly get the hang of it. I've never played video games before, it's really fun. I can understand how people make money off of doing this.


Tony has just finished giving me a tour of the tower. I never thought I'd be able to step a foot inside of a building this fancy. It's insane.

We make our way back to the living area, conveniently seeing everyone there. I sit next to Wanda on a couch, as Tony sits by his wife, Pepper.

''So, Y/N.'' Steve speaks up.


''We'd appreciate it if you told us something about yourself. You know everything about us, but we know close to nothing about you.'' he says, making a fair point.

''Well, there isn't really that much to tell.'' I chuckle ''My parents disowned me when I was 2 and sent me to an abusive orphanage. I lived there for 4 years but escaped when I was 6 since I couldn't take any more abuse.'' I tell them, as they're looking at me with pity.

''I quickly learned to survive on the streets and life wasn't actually all that bad. There were multiple people who saw me sleeping in an alley, and offered me to take a shower at their home. There weren't a lot of people like that, but still.''

''When I was 14, I had already learned the basics of fighting and was catching on quickly. I had already given up on finding a job since no one would take me. I was still living on the streets, but there were a lot fewer people who offered to help me. One day, while I was walking around the city, I came across an abandoned-looking warehouse.''

''I walked inside and saw a fighting ring. The men that were fighting looked very muscular and heavy. There was no way I could beat any of them in a fight. That didn't scare me, though. When I found out that you get paid for fighting, I surprisingly managed to sign up and the next day I had my first fight.''

Everyone is listening with clear interest coming from their faces. I run my hand through my hair, as I glance at Wanda. She smiles and rubs the back of my shoulder, comfortingly.

''I don't remember much about that fight. I was almost killed. My heart actually stopped at one point, but they were able to get me back to life. Apparently, the man organizing the fights was impressed by my fearlessness and will to fight, so he signed me up for another fight.''

''I found on the fighting place was called The Den.'' I say ''For my next fight, though, I trained. I trained hard. The Den has a gym, where I spent most of my time. Even though it wasn't in the best condition.''

''Usually, I would have to crawl back to the alley I lived at, due to the intense training. But it all paid off when the second fight came. It was definitely not easy, but I managed to actually beat the guy. I killed him.'' I say, whispering the last part.

''I killed him.'' I hang my head down in shame, covering my mouth with my hands. I can still feel Wanda's hand rubbing comforting circles on my back.

''And I did it willingly, I did it for money. I didn't realize what I had done until I was already off the ring.'' I say. I hold back my tears and keep a straight face, even though they can't see it anyways.

''I went to tell the organizer that I quit, but he just gave me the money and pulled out a picture, showing it to me. In the picture, there was the man I had just killed, clad in a suit.'' I say ''He then told me that man was an ex mafia boss.''

''He told me that every single person in that place had done something really bad in their lives. And that kind of inspired me to stay, because the moment I snapped that guy's neck, I became just like them.''

''I wasn't the prey anymore, which I had been all my life. I was the hunter. I had taken another man's life.'' this time I can stop that one tear from spilling. It drops to the floor, making a tiny puddle and clearly showing them that I'm crying.

''But why did you continue fighting? Why did you continue to kill?'' Natasha asks as I keep my head down.

''Because they were bad people. Really bad, evil people. And yeah, I was no better, but I knew that the world would be a better place without them in it.'' I finish the story. Wanda's arms are now comfortably wrapped around me.

Due to the contact, I can feel the smell of her strawberry shampoo. She's resting her head on my back, as I wipe away the tear and clear off the tear stain.

''You are better.'' Wanda says. I look up at her, my hair falling in front of my eyes.

''You are so much better than them, in every single way.'' I'm about to say something but she cut me off.

''And don't you dare think otherwise.''

''Thanks, Wanda. I really appreciate that.'' I smile lightly. She does as well, before I finally stand up, pulling myself out of her comforting grip.

''Anyways, I'm going to bed. Thank you for everything, guys.'' I say, lightly smiling again. They nod and say their 'good night's before I turn around and head for the elevator.

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