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Just to make it clear - if I don't write who's POV it is, then it's automatically Y/N's.

With that said - enjoy!


I leave the dirty bathroom after just finishing cleaning my wounds. I walk to my stuff and place the button-up shirt in my duffel bag.

I slip on a simple black T-Shirt with my usual beat-up leather jacket on top. I change into a pair of ripped jeans and beat-up Vans.

If I was actually clean, my outfit would probably look dope. But living on the streets ain't exactly the cleanest conditions.

I zip-close my duffel bag and throw it over my shoulder, turning around to leave. Though the 4 Avengers that were just in the audience, are standing right in front of me.

''Ryan, right?'' Black Widow asks.

''Stage name.'' I simply reply. She nods, probably already knowing that.

''What's your real name?'' the beautiful brunette asks. I recognize her as Scarlet Witch.

Can I trust them with my name? They are good people, but what reason do they have to be so interested in me? I'm not fully sure I can trust them.

''How do I know I can trust you?'' I ask. I can't help it, I'm defensive when it comes to my private life.

''We have nothing to gain by telling anyone else.'' she replies, making a good point. I nod and drop my duffel bag back on the bench. I then look back at them

''Y/N, Y/N L/N.'' I say.

''Wanda Maximoff.'' the Scarlet Witch says with a small smile.

''I know who you are.'' I reply. She nods, as the Black Widow speaks up.

''If you recognized us, why did you save us from that thief?'' she asks, referencing to yesterday's events. I shrug in response.

''I don't know.'' I sit down, looking at them. At one point my eyes travel down to my hands.

''I've always wanted to give people the one thing I never had. Hope.'' I say, looking back up at them. I make sure to hide my emotions, keeping a straight face.

''I guess when I saw you getting robbed, I didn't think about who you were. I simply didn't care.'' I say ''I just wanted to help.''

I'm not sure why I'm revealing so much about myself to people I don't know. Though something tells me that I can trust them.

''You sound like a good man. What are you doing in a place like this?'' Captain America speaks up. I look at him.

''The same reason every other fighter here. Money.'' I simply reply. My gaze then shifts to behind them ''Speak of the devil.''

''Reed. Boss congratulates you on the win tonight. He's inviting you next week to the tournament.'' one of the thugs says, through the ski mask. No one is allowed to know their identities, except the boss of this place. And like hell do I know who that is.

The man hands me an envelope before turning around and leaving. I rip open the envelope, taking out the cash and counting through it.

''That looks like a scarily small sum for what you just did out there.'' Hawkeye speaks up, making me look up at him. I slip the 200$ into my back pocket.

''Gotta do what you gotta do to survive.'' I say. I grab my duffel bag and throw it over my shoulder.

''Well, it was nice meeting you.'' I say.

''What do you mean by that?'' the Scarlet Witch asks, completely ignoring my attempt to leave.

''I live on the streets. And there ain't exactly a lot of jobs going around here.'' I reply. That looks like a shock to them, which is visible on all of their faces. Well, except Romanoff's, since she's a trained assassin.

''Anyways, I'm gonna head out. It was nice meeting you.'' I say, walking past them to the exit. Though I hear Rogers's voice again.

''Come with us.'' he says. I turn to look at him, my interest piqued. The others look like they're thinking the same as Rogers.


''Come with us to the tower. You'd be able to get some real sleep and food. We can help you find a job.'' Barton says. I consider the offer for a second, though I shake my head. They already know too much about me.

''I think I can manage just fine on my own. Thanks for the offer, though.'' I say, scanning them with my eyes. As mine and the beautiful brunette's eyes connect, I smile a little.

''Well, the offer stays on the table. If you change your mind, you know where to find us.'' she says, as our eyes don't disconnect for a second. Her eyes are absolutely gorgeous.

''I'll keep that in mind.'' I say. I finally break our gaze, turning around and leaving the locker room. I head for the warehouse's exit, the stunning brunette lingering on my mind.

For some reason, I get this feeling around her... a sense of security. Like I can be honest with her, and she won't judge me whatsoever.

I feel like she's a very good person. For now, she's the only person I trust. I don't even know why, but I do. The other Avengers don't give out the same sense of security, as the Scarlet Witch does.

Wanda's POV:

We watch him leave before all looking at each other. We lean against the lockers, thinking about what just went down.

''He's a good man.'' Steve says, as we all nod in approval.

''He seems like someone with a troubled past.'' Natasha says as approving murmurs are heard.

''I feel bad for him.'' I say. The others look at me.

''I do too. But for now, all we can do is just hope he can handle himself out there.'' Natasha replies.

''He handled himself in the ring. I don't think the streets are going to be much of a problem for him.'' Clint adds, making a good point.

''Can't really argue with that.'' I say.


So, I hope you enjoyed it!

Feel free to leave your feedback and ideas in the comments!
That's greatly appreciated!

See y'all soon!

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