Unknown Feelings

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I enter the kitchen, greeting the others who are in the living room. I make myself a bowl of cereal.

I run my hand through my moist hair, which keeps falling in front of my face. I didn't use a comb after taking a shower and it's starting to get annoying.

As I sit down to eat my breakfast, Wanda enters the room. She grabs a few pieces of bread and drops them in the toaster.

She then sits next to me with a small smile. I look at her, swallowing my breakfast and placing the spoon in the bowl.

"Good morning." she greets. I reply with a simple 'Morning' and a small smile. I take another spoon of my cereal.

"Whatcha doing today?" she asks. She seems to be in a good mood today, I'm happy to see that.

"I don't know. Don't really have any plans. Was thinking of staying in my room and continuing figuring out how the hell the Smart TV works" I reply with a small chuckle.

"Alright. Well, I have training with Vision in an hour. Still learning to control my powers. Let me know if you want to go out and get some ice cream, or something, after I'm done." she offers.

"Alright, will do." I simply nod in approval. She smiles and nods too, before standing up to get her toast. She takes it out and just before leaving the kitchen, plants a soft kiss on my cheek.

I look back at her, in shock, to see her walking away. I can't resist to spare a glance at her thigh movements in those slim jeans. The way they make her ass stand out is just incredible.

What are you thinking? Come on, get a grip. Learn some respect.

I quickly look away and continue to devour my breakfast, completely oblivious to the glance she throws at me behind her back.


I turn off the TV, just finished the first few episodes of Outer Banks. A good show so far. I check the time to see it's almost 1 PM. Wanda is probably still training with Vision.

I'm kind of interested to see how she's doing. I leave my room and head to the elevator, going down to the gym. When I leave the elevator I walk to the Avengers' private gym.

Everyone who works in the tower has access to the gym, but the Avengers have their own separately, just for privacy. At least that's what Wanda told me.

I walk to the window to look at her training. I don't want to go in, just in case it might distract her. I see her beautiful magic working it's way around many objects, allowing her to lift them.

I also notice the job that those leggings are doing on her. I know it's disrespectful to look at her like that, but.... I don't know. I guess my hormones are just acting up.

A watch them for quite a while, I'd say almost half an hour. When they finally sit down, Wanda starts chugging her water, and I notice that look in Vision's robotic eyes.

He places his hand on her knee with an innocent smile on his face. And Wanda doesn't even seem to mind it. She places down her water bottle and wipes her sweat, as they laugh together on the bench. I notice Vision moving his hand to her thigh.

I feel a really unpleasant feeling inside me. It's not quite jealousy, I mean, there is jealousy, but something else too. Something that's making me sick by looking at them.

Was she just playing me? No, Wanda wouldn't do that, right? But why does she look so u bothered by the toaster stroking her leg? Fuck.

Oh, and he's now playing with her hair, too.

I can't look at this. It's literally making me sick. I mean, it was no secret that nothing was ever gonna happen between us, but why play me like that?

I leave the gym, entering the elevator and heading up. Many thoughts are racing through my mind, but one is standing out. Why him?

Out of everyone Wanda could've chosen, why Vision? He's an android. What does he have? Why him, over everyone else?

I'm still trying to figure out the feelings that are burning my heart right now. But definitely one of them is jealousy.

Wanda's POV:

Why is he being so touchy? First he touches my knee, and now my thigh? What's next, gonna make me sit on his lap? I know it's nothing special, but no. It's wrong.

Oh, and now he's playing with my hair.

I slowly push his arms away, as he gives me a questioning look. I shake my head.

"Stop, Vis. We're friends. That's all. I know I haven't given you a straight answer, but then again, you haven't even asked." I say, standing up and grabbing my stuff.

"The answer's no. I don't like you like that." I say, looking at him, apologetically "I'm sorry. You think we can be friends?"

"Yes, of course, Wanda. As you wish." he says politely, looking down.

"I'm sure there's someone out there for you, Vis. It's just not me." I add.

"Thank you. I have to ask, though," he says, I nod for him to continue "do you have feelings for Y/N?"

That kinda leaves me speechless. What am I supposed to say? That I kinda do, but kinda don't know? Shit.

"I'm not sure, yet. Hopefully we'll see soon." I reply with a small smile. We then head to the elevator, heading up to the Penthouse.

After I've taken a shower and changed into something casual, I leave my room and take the stairs to the guest floor. I knock on Y/N's door.

Just a few seconds later he opens the door and a small smile appears on his face when he sees me.

"Hey, what're you doing here?" he asks. I shrug, playfully.

"I don't know. I remember you promising to take me for some ice cream." I say with a grin.

"Oh, really?" he says, playing along.


"Well, if my memory serves, I promised nothing. But if a pretty lady like yourself knocks on my door, how can I deny?" he says in a mocky voice.

I try not to laugh, but I can't hold back the blush that escaped when he slipped in that compliment.

"Let's go, then." I say with a happy smile.



Well, not trying to get your hopes up. But it is summer, and I want to use my free time while I have it. At least until my summer plans start to get close.

So, hopefully, I will be able to provide you guys with more updates.

Love y'all! Thanks for the amazing support!

Word Count ~1142~

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