dared to ignore her

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Its lads' night and all their partners are having a ladies' night. The one to lose the activity gets the dare, the one who wins picks the dare from the jar and the next activity for lads' night.
They are playing poker tonight, but they don't play with money, just chips and one of their stylists is the dealer. Jungkook asks the group as he stares at his cards and smirks, "So, who gets the dare this time?"
"Won't be me this time!" Jin boasts gloatingly, looking at his Full House: 2x Kings, 3x 10's.
"I am certain that it won't be me." Namjoon rumbles out, sighing contently at his Four of a Kind: Queens.
Hoseok and Jimin have already folded and are playing snooker while they wait. They are waiting on Yoongi and Taehyung to declare if they are in or folding.

Taehyung folds and Yoongi sits glaring at his hand. He has a Full House: 2x Kings, 3x 7's. They all reveal: Jungkook wins with a Straight Flush: J, 10, 9, 8, 7 in Hearts.
Yoongi loses because Namjoon's 10's outrank Yoongi's 7's. Jungkook pulls out the activities box to pick the next activity: Cocktail Training.
Jimin and Jin squeal in delight while Hoseok pales at the idea as he isn't good at holding alcohol and knows it will end with some sort of competition of trying each other's creations and last man standing.
Taehyung and Namjoon start looking up cocktails to make. Yoongi gripes, a little fearful of what his task might be, "So, let me know my dare then Kook-ah."
Jungkook pulls out the dares box and pulls out a little ball, handing it to Yoongi. Yoongi opens it up and reads it, his face falling in despair as he slumps into a chair.

Jungkook takes the paper from him and reads it before he gasps and exclaims, "HYUNGS! The dare is that he has to ignore his partner for a whole month! The forfeit is to reveal a previously unseen body part to ARMY at the next concert so he would have to do the abs flash or rip his shirt open or something to show off his chest! Oh my god!"
"How are you going to ignore Sundae for a whole month hyung?" Taehyung asks, worrying for Yoongi's sanity. Yoongi is the most loving and loyal of them all, practically worships the ground his wife walks on.
The amount of unreleased love songs he has written for her is shocking. Yoongi whines and strops, "I guess I will move into my studio and change my accounts. God this is going to be shit!"

^•^Meanwhile – The women^•^
Soaking in the Jacuzzi, Jin's wife Soomin tries to convince Hidae and Sundae to come in there with the others. Hidae complains about not wanting to prune so she still looks ravenous for Namjoon later.
Sundae keeps her headphones in, ignoring the women for a while whilst she listens to Yoongi's soothing voice. Jungkook's girlfriend, Miyoung, as loud and energetic as he is, shouts teasingly, "HEY! EARTH TO SUNDAE!"
They are like 2 peas in a pod. Sundae takes a headphone out and lifts her head to look at the others. Miyoung continues, grinning, "Join us, Sundae! The temperature is just right!"
Sundae shakes her head and states dismissively, "I will be uncomfortable, I would rather not. I don't want to overheat."

Chanmi's curious eccentricity could rival Taehyung's, they make a perfect match. Chanmi giggles, confused she asks, "And why would you overheat? It's not like you are already sweating over there. Come in the Jacuzzi, you will be fine."
Sundae smiles sweetly and clarifies, "I can't go in the Jacuzzi ladies. It's advised on doctor's orders that I avoid them and saunas, but I can swim so I will do that a little later. I'm perfectly happy right here."
Haneul reminds everyone of her partner Hoseok, as she shrieks excitedly, "Are you serious?! When did you learn?"
Sundae grins and answers bashfully, "This morning, I'm seven weeks along."

Taeyang squeals and jumps out, the next one to catch up and comes over for cuddles. She is affectionate, like Jimin. They are another couple that suit well. She buries Sundae's face in her chest as she cuddles her.
As Taeyang straddles Sundae's lap, another woman joins behind her, Hidae. To Sundae's left comes Soomin and Chanmi whilst to her right comes Miyoung and Haneul.
She's encompassed in a group hug of pure joy and celebration. She's the first to get pregnant. Miyoung chatters excitedly, "I can't believe BabyTan is beginning now! Ladies, we all need to jump our men, get busy and join her!"
Sundae wheezes out, "Yoongi doesn't know yet. It's his birthday next month. I plan to tell him then."

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