♛𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞♛

Start from the beginning

"Um I guess so-"

"I'm gonna puke!!" Thomas screams as drunk Grayson struggles to hold him up. Xavier turns to me.

"Better go deal with this..." He gestures to the boys.

"Yeah go ahead I'll find you guys later." Xavier gives me a smile and starts to walk Thomas out of the kitchen with the help of Grayson.

I scan my surroundings for Savannah and my heart starts to pound as I can't find her anywhere. How am I supposed to find her with all these people here?

I down the rest of my drink.

The flavour seems to have change...

Oh well. I shrug and throw it in the trash.

I make my way back down the hallway where we came in, looking at every face for Savannah. I cringe as I see people eating each others faces off as I walk past. Where is she? My head is starting to pound a little and my vision is becoming weird?

Why is the room starting to move? I shake my head and walk forward, my steps becoming off balanced.

I'm just about the go upstairs when I feel someone's hand catch my wrist. I turn to see a boy I have never seen before in my life. His blonde hair and blue eyes are not recognisable to me.

I look down at my wrist and back up to him. Lovely.

"Hello?" I stutter confused. There's no way some random guy grabs my wrist and thinks he's getting a nice conversation from me. I try to free my wrist from his hand but he only tightens his grip.

"Clara, is that right? The new girl?"

"Um, yeah that's me...you can let go now" I attempt to end the conversation. He seems oblivious to my words as he just looks me up and down. Disgusting. "Sorry, who are you?"

"Peter." He steps closer to me. I back away slowly. This guy has had way too much to drink. I stumble slightly in my heels as my head continued to throb from the strange feeling the drink gave me. I'm starting to think they were all spiked. I should have known. Are you kidding me right now?

"Okay Peter, im going to go-" I again try to free my wrist but he still won't let go. My breathing is starting to pick up and my heart is pounding so much I feel dizzy. I think I'm going to have a panic attack.

I've had them for years so I know when they are coming. Of course it has to happen when I actually need to think clearly and get out of a situation.

I can't see again. Everything is fading out, the music feels like a blur in the distance. My heart is beating so hard I clutch my chest to try and get some air in but nothing seems to be working. I try to take deep breaths like I am taught but it doesn't seems to be working.

I start hyperventilating as I squeeze my eyes shut and the next thing that happens happened so quickly I can't even blink.

Someone grabs Peter off me and pushes him so hard he slams against the wall. Peter lunges at him and try's to punch him back only to be shoved to the wall again. I try to make out who it is but whatever was in that drink is starting to get to me. His dark hair is so familiar to me...

I hear his low voice talk to Peter. "If you ever lay a finger on her again Peter I swear. We've been over this you need to stop drinking this much or coach is going to kick you off the team. If you ever come near her again or so much as breathe near her it will be the last thing you do. Got it?" His voice is laced with rage. Peter doesn't respond he only starts to vigorously nod his head over and over again before he scrambles off.

The mystery guy turns to me. Wow his eyes. His bright ocean green eyes. I study his face and realise that's it's-

"Jameson?" My voice comes out shaky without meaning to be. His eyes soften as he studies my face. Well that's new.

𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 | ♛Where stories live. Discover now