Chapter 18

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A/N - back by popular demand😭‼️

TW: chapter contains scenes some may find upsetting



It felt like I was dying all over again.

I couldn't breathe, it felt like there was a pair of hands permanently latched around my throat and every time I let all of this sink in, they only squeezed tighter.

I wasn't leaving his side.

I refused to, who was I to go about my life, to speak to people, to fucking smile, while Xander was lying in this bed with fuck knows how many tubes and wires attached to him.

He needed to wake up.

I couldn't do it if he didn't wake up.

I'd spoken to him a few times about what it was like for him while I was in hospital; about how he didn't move from my side until I opened my eyes, how he'd hold my hand and beg me to wake up, how he'd cry when everybody else left the room.

I didn't understand how that felt until now.

I clutched his right hand in both of mine, holding it to my forehead as a shaky breath escaped me; I needed him. I couldn't do it without him.

A sob escaped me and I squeezed my eyes shut as hard as I could, trying to force the tears to stay in, the burning sensation only increasing as a few fell.

Santiago needed to die. As soon as fucking possible. How many more times did one of us have to end up in the hospital before Zane saw the fucking signs?

"You gotta wake up man I swear to god", I pleaded, holding his hand tighter, "I can't do this shit without you Xan".

Nothing but machines beeping and my shaky sobs filled the room, I didn't want anyone else in here with me right now; that was the main reason as to why I'd just had a screaming match with everyone else, telling them to leave us alone.

I loved all of my siblings more than anything on this planet, but Xander and I? We came as a package, I'd done fucking everything in this world with him by my side- and that's exactly where I intended to stay until he got better.


"Do you think Zane will kill me if I left school right now?", I took a bite of my sandwich and looked at Xander with a frown; it was only lunch and he wanted to leave already?

"Yeah", I answered with my mouthful, "and what am I supposed to tell the others in the parking lot when he picks us up?".

"You can think of something, you don't shut up", he shrugged and I gave him the middle finger, he reached over and yanked on it in return.

"Ow!", I squirmed, "I do shut up, just not a lot".

"Yeah, sure", he teased, taking my bag of chips and shoving half of them down his throat, "I saw Cub leave earlier, with Theo and August".

"So Zane will kill both of you, great", I huffed, "you really should stop Xan, you'll make him real mad one day".

"I make everyone mad, ever since our fight", I gazed down at the table at the thought of it; the blood pouring from my head, the way I could barely see before I fainted, Xander crying as he said sorry to Zane for hurting me.

"That's not true", I shook my head, "the doctor said you can't help it".

"Still, I make everyone mad", he slid the chips in front of me and turned to face the big clock on the wall, "I'll stay if you want me to".

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