Chapter 13

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A/N - now THIS is the longest chapter so far...

TW: Scott



"Ale misses you, and even though he won't admit it, I think Eli does too", I laughed, resting my head on Ezra's shoulder and sighing.

"It's been a week", I put a couple chips in his mouth and he chewed, "they love me even more than you".

"Impossible", he tutted, "you look tired".

I was more than fucking tired; I'd went to sleep after 3am - Phoenix had 'babysat' me while Zane and Scott went to pick up the others from the club downtown. And when they got back, let's just say it was a shitshow. Xav threw up everywhere, Chase was sobbing, Caleb would not stop laughing at anything and everything, and Xander was still trying to drink more. It was embarrassing to witness to say the least.

"I am tired", I groaned, closing my eyes, "do you think they'll care if I sleep in class?".

"One hundred percent", he chuckled, "but do it anyway".

"Bad influence", I tutted, kissing his cheek, "I'll come over to yours later".

"To sleep?", he raised an eyebrow and I rolled my eyes.

"To socialise", I replied, "and probably sleep".

"You two make me sick", Gray shook his head at us and I frowned, "can't a guy get over his relationship in peace?". Hold up.

"You two broke up?", Esme gasped and Gray waved a hand, "fucking thank god for that- I mean, I'm sorry Gray".

"I know none of you are sorry", he muttered, "it's my own fault for staying with him for so long".

"Woah, there's no blame on you man", Ezra reached around me to shove his best friend's head, "he was a toxic piece of shit who didn't deserve you".

"That's pretty much what I told him", Amelia agreed, "you did the right thing Gray".

"I think we should celebrate", Cooper shrugged, "Grelliott is over".

"You called us Grelliott?", Gray groaned, "please never say that again".

"It's better than Elligray", Gavin smirked and I choked on a chip, leaning forwards as Ezra patted my back.

"You good?", he asked once my coughing had died down, I nodded and moulded back into him, twisting the rings on his fingers, "I love you".

"I love you too", I grinned, taking a sip of my drink, "Gav, did you finish that song yet?".

His cheeks turned a rosy colour and he nodded; I'd found out when I first met Gavin that he could play the guitar- so fucking well, might I add, and he'd sworn me to secrecy for a few months. Even now that our friends knew about his hidden talent he got embarrassed every now and then; no matter how much I told him not to be.

"Yeah, yesterday", he fiddled with his cup.

"When are we getting a concert then?", Esme ruffled his hair and he rolled his eyes, a smile present on his face nonetheless.

"When I feel like it", was the answer we got, fair enough I suppose.

"Miss Delgado?", I turned at the sound of my name: a woman who I could say with confidence I'd never seen in my life was standing behind me, her eyes fixed on me and only me, "you're needed in the principal's office".

"Ooooh what did you do Izzy?", Coop teased, "hey Angela".

"Mr Wallace", the woman- Angela nodded and I frowned.

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