Full Name Basis

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Fandom: Invader Zim

Characters: Zim, Dib, GIR, Zim's Computer

ZADE/sorta ZADF?

Desc: After a brief squirmish and some spot-on insults, Dib finds himself in Zim's base and face to face with something he did not expect to be when he woke up that morning.


Word Count: 3,389

It was a bright and sunny day, the kind of day that one expected everything to go perfectly, despite the fact that local weather patterns had next to nothing to do with the likelihood of any particular person having an abnormally good day. Dib Membrane, however, held no such beliefs, and he was as prepared as ever to deal with a certain semi-psychotic alien invaders nonsensical plots for world domination.

The sun shone through the windows beside his desk in Ms. Bitters classroom, lighting upon the pop quiz Dib was currently meandering through. Fortunately for him and his paranormal pursuits, he never had to work particularly hard at his skool work–his odd zigzag cowlick wasn't the only attribute he inherited from his father–and this double sided paper was no different. Ticking off the last question, he turned his attention briefly to the rest of class, all still doubled over their work in mental strain, and then immediately over to Zim.

The alien, too, had finished his work, quite possibly faster than Dib himself. While he was loath to admit it, Dib knew Zim was much smarter than people gave him credit for. If it weren't for his inability to recognize outside negativity and his own out of control psychosis he may very well have taken over the Earth long ago. Having set down his pencil, Zim was fiddling with some Irken gadget or another, a bored expression on his noseless face. He didn't look as though he were plotting humanity's doom, but Dib remained suspicious. You never quite knew with Zim.

Squinting, Dib tried to identify what the readout on Zim's tech was displaying. If he leaned backwards slightly, he could see some quickly shifting Irken symbols and a rotating 3D hologram of the Voot Runner. He frowned. While interesting, the Voot wasn't likely to bring about a global catastrophe, and what snippets of words he could catch with his limited knowledge of the Irken language seemed to just be about various repairs needed on the vehicle. While this may have relaxed a simpler person, it only raised Dib's attention. A Zim acting erratically–i.e not plotting humanity's end–was a Zim hard to predict. And a cause for alarm.

Dib just barely sat through the rest of the skool day, the hour and a half crawling by like a bowling ball rolling down an only slightly noticeable incline, his leg bouncing all the while. When the bell finally rang, he leapt out of his seat, shoved his textbook into his open backpack, and dashed for the door. Zim, thankfully, did as he always had: disappeared out the door the first second possible, hurried down the hallway to the main doors, and abruptly paused there until precisely 7 other students had exited the building so as not to look suspicious. Dib caught up to him at this point, out of breath but prepared to confront his enemy.

"ZIM!" He shouted, shoving through the doors and shaking a fist at the figure at the bottom of the steps.

Zim pointed to himself and raised a nonexistent eyebrow.

Dib glared. "You think there's a lotta Zim's around here?"

Zim shrugged. "Never hurts to check," he said casually. "Now, what is it you want, horrible worm child!?"

They fell into step and began walking down the sidewalk, both wanting to get away from prying and unimpressed eyes before they continued their confrontation. Dib glared at the Irken. "I know what you're up to!"

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