Chapter 13

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Giovanni was asleep beside her, the lights from the city outside seemed to shine through the curtain. Sprinkling the room with dark colours, a bit of blue on the ceiling and purple and yellow on the walls and floors.
The colours dance giving beauty to a tragic room.

Vanni's hand was strapped over her stomach like a belt. Keeping her tucked away, out of trouble.
It was only eleven at night and she couldn't sleep. The sound of everything ever was keeping her awake.

She pried Vanni's hand off her and slipped out of bed. She silently got dressed, watching to see if his dark form moved around.


She slipped on her shoes and quietly exited the room. She grabbed her new phone and wallet and left the room, getting into the elevator and leaving the hotel.

The city was still bustling, cars with people that didn't sleep. Light flicked here and there. People laughing and walking, some having more places to be than others.
She wasn't even sure where she was going, but she had to get out.

The air in that hotel room was starting to choke her.

She crossed the street and walked down the hill, she needed a drink. A place to take her mind off everything.
There was one place not too far but it might cause some trouble. All she could think about was getting pissed right now. No matter where it was.

She walked a little longer, it was warmer than she had expected. Lately, the cold had been brittle and mean.

A man pushed past her on the street with no concern.

'Asshole!' She called out but he gave no response, walking on. A dog ran past her, its lease still attached but its owner nowhere in sight. She turned the corner and walked down the main road. People crowded the streets now, drunk, high and lonely people.

She kept walking, bumping shoulders with stranger after stranger.

Finally, she arrived at her destination. Only took maybe thirty minutes to get here.

She cued at the end of the line, behind girls in tiny dresses and a ton of makeup. They were giggling about something and the guys in front turned to flirt with them.

How desperate both the girls and guys were.

The line started moving, slowly. At last, she reached the end of the line and handed the bouncer her ID. He looked at it and then back at her.

'I dyed my hair!' She pointed out. He shrugged and took a photo, passing the plastic card back to her. She moved past and paid for her entry before walking in.

She didn't know too many bars that you had to pay entry for. Guess the owners wanted to steal as much money as they could.

The bar was crowded, with some people on the floor dancing. Their bodies grinding up against others.
She found her way to the bar and sat down on a stool.

'YO! BAR KEEP!' She shouted over the loud music. A tall, thin man walked over. He just nodded.
'Whiskey!' She ordered, he walked off and grabbed a glass. She got out her phone, wanting something to do with her hands.

She went onto Instagram and typed in Caitlin Hermes. There were a few accounts, some with the same name and some irrelevant.

She found one with a photo that matched Caitlin.

That was her! She was standing under a tree laughing, she seemed so happy in the photo. Caitlin was also quite pretty.

She pressed follow and clicked her phone off. The bartender came back over with her drink and she took some sips of the strong whiskey.

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