Chapter 8

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She sat at the kitchen island. Giovanni was still in the room, but not asleep. She had heard him muffling about, getting dressed and having a shower. She just ate plain toast silently, not wanting to remind him of her presence. The cold from the aircon bit at her back. The skin raw and fresh.

She had woken up early. Had a shower and made herself breakfast which was a first, usually she'd find leftover food in the fridge and microwaved it till it smelt like new. Though there was no leftover food in the fridge and she hadn't been that hungry anyway.

Suddenly the bedroom door opened, making her jump in her skin. She had to calm herself, pinching her thoughts of fear away.

It's not that she was scared of Giovanni.

No that's a lie, she was definitely scared of him. But his unfamiliar touches last night had shifted her into a position she wasn't comfortable with. Not sure which leg to stand on and whether her words still counted as much as they did before.

'Good Morning!' Giovanni spoke chirpily. It left her dumbfounded, silent.

'Good sleep?' She asked shyly.
'It was brilliant.' He winked at her, walking to the other side of the island and pouring some room temp coffee into a mug. No steam rose from the cup as he did so.

'We have a big day ahead of us.' He started, not meeting her eyes.
'We do?'
'Because of your little.....stunt the last few days. I've had to make some phone calls. Change of plans, we are going to be more upfront in the future.' He explained. That gave her no clue as to what he was talking about.

'You're not mad still about me getting caught by the Ramos family?'

He frowned, his brows thick with tension.

'No! I am definitely still mad but maybe we can use your act of idiocy to our own advantage.' That didn't sound too pleasing.

'What do you mean?' She asked worriedly. Though his silence was a black cloud - swarming around her, as if it was about to strike and she would be burned. She got up, dumping her plate into the sink.

'Still, you can find ways to make it up to me.' He turned on her suddenly, his hand finding her waist. Outlining her curves and heavy behind. Even when he pulled away his touch lingered. 'I'm sure of that.' He whispered into her ear.
His breath warm on her neck. She wanted to puke, all over him to be precise but that wouldn't make the morning or the rest of the day any better.

'Go get dressed, there is an outfit laid out for you on the bed.' He ordered her. She felt comfortable in her tank top and black jeans but still she did as she was told. No need to poke a sleeping bear.
As Cece walked into the room she could see what was laid out before her.

A tight dark red top and a almost way too short skirt. The colour matching the top, black heals sit perfectly in place at the end of the bed. It made her stomach turn, this was what he wanted her to wear?
There had to be a catch?

Really more than anything she wanted to properly go the hosipital. Get her wrist bandaged up, she still hadn't even had a chance. And now she wished she'd just gone right after escaping from the Ramos'.
But she had guessed that would be the first place they would check and so it was safer to just stay away, hidden.

She quickly got dressed and walked back into the living space. She felt on display, it wasn't what she'd usually go for and every gentle hair on her body stood up.

'You are defiantly your mothers daughter!' Giovanni applauded, looking her up and down. She wished this outfit had come with a jacket or a robe or just more clothing to it.
'Alright, let's go! You slept in so we are running late.'

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