"I guess apple turnover is fruit." Amanda says.

"Well, I saw no harm in including our children sweet tooth. All things in moderation, of course."

"Okay. Don't eat too many. Because you guys will get a stomach ache." Amanda then looks up at Klaus." Can we talk?"they both walk out of the room." Have you seen Elijah?"

"I thought he was with Marcel."

"Marcel told me he hasn't seen him since yesterday."

In the Church there are papers ripped up thrown everywhere and the seats are broken.

"This can't be good." Vincent says as he looks at a crocodile head.

"I came here quite, to light candles, pray and found it  like this."  Maxine says." Knew you'd want to see it."

"It's desecration of a holy site. It's meant to be a warning."

" I think it's more than that. We're losing people, vincent. More and more witches talking about making a pet with his darkness when our coven see the church like this, they'll think it's better to join the side of the enemy before the enemy comes for them."

"Witches are deflecting?"

"Some say the Hallow's power is what our coven's need to fight vampires, to take back the city. All of the peace you fought for, to them, is nothing compared to the promise of taking control."

"Tell me you don't believe that."

"Vincent, you know where I stand." Footsteps approach them.

"So loyal." Soyfa says as she walks over to them."there was a time Vincent showed me such devotion, when, in fact, he worshiped me. And now, how far he's fallen." Her eyes turn blue.

"Maxine, you need to go. I'm - I'm gonna be fine." Maxine leaves.

"Hello Vincent. It's been far too long. I think it's time we caught up with one another. Don't you?"


Freya has a map set out on a table with white candles all around it lit she pours what looks like salt on the map when keelin walks in.

"Still playing with toy's, huh?"

"It is a protection spell for the compound. Reputational magic. So it's not tied to my heartbeat, should anything happen to me."

"Can we pretend for, say, five seconds, that you don't have to worry about dying today?"

"I'm not going to die. Certainly not until well after breakfast." Freya says as she shows Keelin a little table with breakfast on it.

"Wow." Keelin says as they walk over to the table." You are perfect. Thanks" they wrap their arms around each other and freya's phone starts ringing. She pulls out her phone and looks at it." Let me guess-- family drama."

"I'm so sorry. Can we meet later?"

"Oh, no, Ms. Mikaelson, I'm coming with you. You have your family's back, I've got yours."

"Right, right."


"You knew this day would come." Soyfa says." All those years abstaining from magic, afraid that if you practice, I might come around. Still come after all that, here I am."

"Here you are. Hiding inside the body of a vampire, because you're not as strong as you want me to think." She uses her power and lifts Vincent in the air.

"You always have such spine. It's what I enjoy most about you. And I know you enjoyed the power I had to offer. I'm still here, vincent. You can have it all back if you want. You just need to swear loyalty to me."

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