Chapter 24 - Jay's POV

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"I swear one day I'll end you, Jake." says Jay to himself while walking down the street. He's currently making his way to meet Jungwon at the park to talk about... Sunghoon and Jake. 

"How did I end up here? Why me? Why don't I just be on time everyday? Ugh, it's my fault." he mentally slaps himself and keeps walking forward. 

When he heard Jungwon talking on the other side of the phone that Monday, all he wanted was to disappear and never be found.



-"Yeah. It's me. How the fook do you have my number?"

"Oh, I thought this was Sunghoon's-"

-"It's not. Don't call me again, delete my number. I don't want to hear your voice no more, thanks."


A sigh can be heard from the other side of the line. Jay takes it as a sign that he can keep talking.

"Thank you. Listen, Sunghoon has been acting strangely towards Jake and he's worried. Do you know why perhaps?"

-"No... Sunghoon doesn't want to talk about the topic either. I've tried and tried but he keeps avoiding me." Jay can hear a sweet and calming voice from Jungwon, and he appreciates that. At least he got to calm the other down.

"I wanted to talk to him personally to, you know, ask him about that."

-"He will never say something to you if he doesn't know you well enough."

"I'm able to make the most closeted person, open up."

-"Tsk, sure you are."

"Don't understimate my skills."

-"I'm a clear example that you can't" Jay hears the other mumble. He's not sure of what he heard. Did Jungwon actually say that? No way.

"I couldn't hear you, sorry, could you repeat?"

-"I didn't say anything. I can't talk right now, I gotta go."

"Wait, is there a chance we could meet up?"


"To talk about this. I just can't let this situation go on, Jake is suffering too much, more than he should. And he seems to have other plans instead of giving me Sunghoon's phone number so yeah."

-"Whatever. Meet me on Wednesday, 4 PM, last time's park."

"Perfect, then-" before Jay can say anything else, Jungwon hangs out, leaving the older dumbfounded. Before, when he thought it was Sunghoon, he got mad, but now he just can't. No matter how bad Jungwon treats him, he still can't bring himself to hate him.

"It's so stupid. I'm so stupid." he says to himself.

-end of flashback-

You could bet he scolded Jake and told him things that can't be reported after he entered the room again. Jay was rather mad at his friend for the situation he put him into. Sure he's excited at the idea of meeting up with Jungwon, but the reason behind it isn't really what the dreamt for. 

He arrives in front of the park and takes a step in. Jungwon is nowhere to be seen, so Jay guesses he's early. It's 3:53 PM, he definitely is. He feels weird for being early.

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