" you feel good tight and wet " Harry slurred while he thrust into Ethan who was a moaning mess, Harry thrust into him untill they both came, Ethan hissed when Harry pulled out and was now snoring next to him.

" baby" he tried to wake Harry but he was already deep in sleep and he decided to sleep and as well.

The next morning Harry was not on their bed and Ethan felt used, he thought after they made love last night maybe things would go back to how they were but it couldn't be right, he got up and took a shower and dressed up it was a Saturday and he didn't have work and he decided he would clean around and do the laundry.

When he got to the living room Harry was seated on the couch watching a show on the television.
"hey, I didn't want to wake you up you seemed tired" Harry said .
"Um yeah I thought you left for work" he said moving closer to seat next to Harry.

"I do have work but I decided to work from home today" he said looking back at Ethan.
"r-really?" Ethan asked .
" yes, about the last two weeks i don't know how to say this but we both said somethings and I just want us to stop fighting " Ethan felt his heart beat faster this is it this is what he has been wanting to hear even though Harry was really apologising for what he did he was atleast trying to work things out again.
" yeah I agree I just miss us like we were " Ethan said .
"me too I really love you and I don't want anything to destroy what we have " he  says moving closer to ethan and holding his cheeks.

" I love you too" Ethan said .
"are you still mad about me working?" Ethan asked .
"Am not so sure but I guess we could work it out if we have kids in future though I want to devoting all your time on our children " he says and Ethan frowns, he wanted to argue and say he loved working but he didn't want to destroy this moment time would come and they would discuss that later anyway.

"Alright, so have you had breakfast yet " Ethan aks  smiling .
" not yet you know I can't cook to save my life" he said and ethan chuckles .
" alright I'll cook your favourite waffles okay" he said getting up and placing a kiss on Harry's lips who kissed him back.

The weekend was nice Ethan couldn't complain he spent it with Harry who made love to him over and over it was magical they were back to being who they were, happy.

Ethan was worried, It was afternoon and  Mr parker had not yet come for work as far as Ethan was aware Mr parker had would have let him know if  something came up ,
After an hour the man was still not showing up and Ethan called his phone several times but he was picking up, something was wrong he just knew it , his phone buzzed and Ethan quickly answered after seeing it wad Mr Parker.
" h-help" Ethan stood up Mr parker sounded sick and in pain his voice was horse as if he he could properly breath.
" am coming " he said rushing out the office to Morgan's office he was panicking, he needed to get to Mr parker's home fast and the only person he knew in the entire building was morgan he quickly entered  the Alpha's office without knocking.

" how dare you enter my_" he stopped talking upon realising that Ethan was in distress, he moved closer to the omega .
" what's wrong?"
" Mr parker i think he needs help can you please drive me to his house" Ethan said  stuttering.
" what happend" morgan asked.
" I don't know he just called and he sounds sick and in pain and he wasn't at work the entire day " Ethan said and they both  rushed out of the building morgan didn't say much he just drove fast within 20 minutes they were standing outside the apartment, Ethan rushed inside Morgan was trailing right behind him the house was a mess smashed glass was everywhere Ethan felt his heart sink when he finally found Mr parker he was in his bedroom on the floor bleeding naked and struggling to breath, he had bruises everywhere his face was swollen and barely recognisable. Ethan quickly covered his boss up and Morgan hurriedly carried Mr parker to his car the two rushed to the hospital.

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