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Start from the beginning

Anyways, they quietly walked out the door and over to the driveway where the thuds were coming from. Turns out, it was just a red-headed teen with a hockey stick and some tennis balls, that he was hitting towards the garage door. Will stayed back on the porch, keeping an eye out, as Jane headed for him first, getting mad the closer she got. "What, are you doing?" her tone accusatory.

The unknown teen had missed his shot when she made herself known. "What does it look like I'm doing?" He had shrugged at her, not caring since she was so young and so little. He knew she couldn't doing anything to him. Yet, she answered back with some attitude, "Trespassing."

Clearly, the ginger was tired of her and tried to shoo her away, "Why don't you make like an egg and beat it?" but she stood her ground. "I'm gonna tell Billy."

She used the nickname Will uses while at school, and it sent a chill down the teen's spine, yet he scoffed at her. "Yeah right, like Billy knows a kid like you. Especially if it's through your nerdy brother."

That was Will's last straw. He walked out from the porch to see the younger teen grab Abby from Jane, toss it on the ground, then turns to her to say, "Fetch" before hitting it with the hockey stick. Abby was sent flying to the garage door, just like the tennis balls were moments ago. Jane yelped out the bunny's name before running over, effectively switching spots with Billy.

The jock walked up to the teen with a smirk, ready to interrogate him, give him a proper push to leave the property, but they both heard some strong wind from right above them.

They both looked up to try and see, however only the trespasser got a closer look, as he was plucked up off the ground with such speed and strength, that he didn't even get time to scream. Billy looked up with a frightened awe, almost as if he knew something.

Jane ran back to his side, and they both turned to face the road, staring up at the sky. Until a shoe fell from above right in front of Jane. Her scream sent Will in brother mode as he quickly bent down to comfort her, but jumped in his skin as car lights appeared in front of them.

Mr and Mrs Morgan hurried out of the car to sooth their daughter, "Honey? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Why are you outside? Will, why are you two outside?" before yelling out for their eldest, "Ethan!"

Said teen ran out the front door, quickly trying to spit out the marshmallows that were still in his mouth, Benny following behind him. His mallows were still in his mouth, however, as Will had to hold back a chuckle at the look. "Hey! You're home early. How was date night?"

Mr Morgan stared at his son with disbelief at his awkward response, before moving to kindly check on his daughter, "You okay, sweetheart? You good, Will?"

Both nodded as the adults, and Billy, watched the grade nine teens with disappointment as Benny was about ready to spill over with the marsh, but smiled and shrugged at Ethan with false reassurance.

The oldest teen shook his head at his younger brother, and motioned him an invisible cross-body satchel, signaling to 'grab your things'. "I'm sorry, Mrs Morgan. I promise to watch over her better next time. And over them."

She dismissed his apology, "It's okay, William. I just expected better from him, and I didn't even know you'd come over after practice. Thank you for that, by the way. Who knows what could have happened if you weren't here."

When Benny walked back out, his arms and satchel filled with half of the snacks he made his brother buy, Will said 'goodnight' to the Morgans and tugged Ben's ear, pulling him away towards their house.

Which was literally next door.

The younger teen yelped and complained the whole way inside. "Ow! Ow! OWW!! That hurts, you know? Plus, it wasn't even my fault! It was Ethan's."

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