Chapter 12

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Of course pretending to not be with someone you were madly in love with was easier said than done. Lancelot almost blew it on the first day when he'd hugged Gwaine at training and very nearly kissed him. lucky for him Gwaine seemed to be much better at controlling his desires and quickly redirected his face and whispered to him.

'I know I'm irresistible but remember what we decided? '

This had made Lancelot blush considerably and he was distant for the rest of the day in an effort to not rouse suspicion from the other Knights who continued giving him questioning glances for an annoying amount of time.

But as the days went on it only got worse,  if anything it was harder now then it was when he wasn't with Gwaine. Now he knew he could kiss Gwaine if he wanted but he wasn't supposed to, only making the idea of it seem so much more appealing.

After two weeks of struggling with Gwaine kissing him in empty corridors and slapping his arse when no one was looking, Lancelot had decided to spend an evening in and make something for Percival's birthday to help take his mind of this whole ordeal. He sat at the table in Gaius' chambers with several pieces of parchment laid out before him. 

He'd decided to write something for him.

 Percival still visited often and him, along merlin and Gaius, were the only ones that knew about his and Gwaines relationship. He knew Percival was still reading but Lancelot wasn't sure what kind of stories he enjoyed most and he wanted to keep his idea a complete surprise. He laid back in his chair and chewed the end of his quill thoughtfully, wondering whether Percival would prefer a tragic tale or a comedy.

While Lancelot was still deep in thought the door swung open and Gwaine came clattering in noisily.

'Hey Lance, what are you doing?' He asked chirpily and looked over Lancelot's shoulder.

'It will be, when it's finished,  a present for Percival.' Lancelot informed him and began writing an introductory paragraph, introducing the main character to his story who had decided to name 'Fendral.'

Gwaine stood quietly by his side for a moment before wondering off to browse through the cupboards in search of food.

Lancelot carried on writing for a few more lines and then sat back again to examine what he'd written and decide what to write next.

He had come to the conclusion that a comedy would be good, Fendral would be a lone warrior roaming the earth and getting into all sorts of mischief. He leant forward again and began scratching out a full page of story,  being careful to not make any spelling mistakes. Lancelot looked up from his writing a moment when he heard Gwaine humming to himself and smiled at him. 

He was leaning lazily against the wall,  twining a piece of hair round his finger and reading one of Gaius' books. He was wearing black trousers,  a loose fitting grey shirt and brown boots identical to his own. Gwaine glanced up and grinned when he saw Lancelot looking at him and placed the book down on the side carefully. Lancelot smiled back and tore his gaze reluctantly from Gwaine and went back to his writing.

'What's the story about? ' He heard Gwaine ask as a pair of strong arms wrapped round his neck.

'It's a man named Fendral.' Lancelot told him. 'He's just wandering around and getting up to loads of different shenanigans. '

'Sounds like me. ' back int' day.' Gwaine said gruffly

'Well perhaps you were of some inspiration. '

'I would like to think i've had some sort of impact on you.'

He felt Gwaine nuzzle his neck and Lancelot reached up with a hand and gently ran it down Gwaine face.

'How long will it take to write?'

Love me like you do (Gwaine x Lancelot | Lancelot/Gwaine)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum