Chapter 8

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The sound of shuffling and muffled laughter roused Lancelot from his sleep. He buried his face into his pillow in an attempt to silence the noise and grumbled quietly to himself.

The door to his room swung open and Gwaine's voice  filled the room.

'Morning!' He sang and Lancelot pulled the covers over his head.

'Rise and shine Lancey, we have things to do.' Gwaine said cheerfully and moved round next to lancelot's bedside.

'It's Lancelot. ' The sleepy knight replied in a muffled voice and remained immobile.

'Come on.' Gwaine said and seized the corner of Lancelot's sheet and began tugging at it. 

Lancelot let out a groan and began rolling himself up in his sheet to try and ensure they weren't taken.

'Well that was a foolish plan my dear.' Gwaine laughed  and grabbed the edge of the sheet, with an almighty tug Lancelot span round and his covers were gone.

'Gwaine give them back!' He shrieked and covered his bare chest with his hands.

'Are you a bit shy lancey?' Gwaine teased but passed a shirt over to his friend who pulled it quickly over his head.

'Could you pass me my crutches. ' Lancelot mumbled as he got to his feet and waited as Gwaine retrieved them from near the door. They walked outside of Lancelot's room and saw Merlin and Gaius already eating,  Gwaine helped Lancelot into his chair who groaned with protest at being treated like a child.

'Come now lancelot,  Gwaine is just trying to help.' Merlin said amusingly and gaius grinned.

'Yeahhhh Lance! You should thank me for all I do for you!'

'Yes, thank you Gwaine for tipping water on my head and for carrying me home yesterday.' Lancelot replied sarcastically.

'You love it.' Gwaine said playfully and gave Lancelot a friendly shove.

'Eat your breakfast now or it'll go cold.' Gaius warned and Lancelot began shovelling down spoonfuls of thick porridge into his mouth. Gwaine watched in amusement at his friend and Merlin and Gaius couldn't help but notice the look in Gwaine's eyes. 

The warlock shared a look with the old physician who let out a low chuckle and gave a short nod.

'Right. ' said Merlin standing up. ' I need to leave, Arthur will be expecting me and I don't want to get in trouble again.'

'Since when have you cared about getting into trouble with Arthur? ' Gwaine laughed.

'Since I almost drowned in filth at the stables as punishment for being late to work.' Merlin glowered.

Lancelot shuddered at his own memory of stable cleaning when he'd first tried out at being a knight. His heart went out to merlin who had to do that kind of thing everyday.

'And I need to tend to Uther.' Gaius added and joined Merlin upstanding.

'Is he still...unwell?' Lancelot ventured and Gaius nodded.

'I don't know what's going to happen to him.' He said honestly. ' But it's my job to keep him going so that's what I'll do.  '

Merlin and Gaius left with a wave to the two knights and Lancelot ate his last few mouthfuls of porridge.

'Go get dressed and then we can leave.' Gwaine told Lancelot who hauled himself up and headed to his room. He dressed himself as quickly as possible and began rooted around for his boots.

Love me like you do (Gwaine x Lancelot | Lancelot/Gwaine)Where stories live. Discover now