4 - Dress For A Dress

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"Amora! What do you think you're doing?"

Amora set down the feather duster in her hand by the side of the fireplace before facing her oldest stepsister. In came Violet, strutting with great purpose as her dark curls bounced about, her nose tossed up in the air.

"Um, I just finished dusting the mantle. Is there something you need?" said Amora.

Violet laughed, her pale fingers fanning daintily over her lips. "I saw you staring at the family portrait before. What's the matter? Wish you could be in it with us? Too bad you were busy cleaning that day, like you always are."

Amora rolled her eyes. "Thanks for pointing out the obvious."

"Don't give me that attitude. Maybe you wouldn't be in this position if your father was a smarter man."

"DON'T-" Amora bit her tongue. She knew that Violet reveled getting under her skin. The rare occasions she spoke I'll of her father, however, made it difficult to contain her feelings.

More than anything Amora wanted to rip that vicious sneer clean off of Violet's face but instead she swallowed down her rage and clenched the handle of her feather duster in restraint.

Quietly she said; "Please don't talk about my father."

Violet considered Amora for a moment but her wicked countenance never died. She let out a dramatic sigh and clicked her teeth a few times.

"I'd pity you if you only had the stomach to actually do something for yourself."

Incredulous, Amora shook her head; "Why do you feel the need to bother me so?"

"Because I am a Lady and I can do whatever I want. In fact, I don't need to explain myself to the likes of you."

"What do you want, Violet." Amora asked, exasperated by her stepsister who hadn't been in the living room with her for more than a minute.

"Mother says you're supposed to be cleaning the chimney but if you're not doing that, then I want you to add gold sequins to the neckline of my new gown. So quit dawdling and hurry up!"

"Alright. I'll do that first."

Violet smirked and walked out, her chin high with a smug smirk. Not even a few seconds later, Olive popped her head in the doorway. Her yellow bow that sat on top of her red hair perked up like curious bunny ears.

"Amora, are you busy? I need to ask you something."

She hesitated but then nodded. "I have a moment."

Olive promptly came bouncing in. "Later when we come back from the ball this evening, can you tell me a story?"

"Uh..." she glanced above Olive's bow to be sure that Stepmother wasn't skulking nearby. "Which one?"

"The one about the knight dragon-girl who protects the sleeping beauty fairy in her tower from the evil Prince!"

Amora let out a light chuckle and patiently held her hands in front of her old apron.

"I'd like that but I don't want to get in trouble with Stepmother. She said she doesn't want you filling your head with...fictional ideas, remember?"

She paraphrased the last part a bit. They didn't need to remember the exact words that resulted in Olive crying and Amora getting beat.

"Please, Amora? Pleeeasse? You know Violet doesn't tell me stories unless it's the ones from her boring sciencey-history books. I don't care about the history of Rowan. You come up with such cool fairytales and they help me sleep easier!"

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