Chapter 11

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 Gale's eyes were filled with confusion, followed by rage.

"What the fuck, Dave?" Gale says as he power-walks towards Dave, with the ground crackling with each step he took.

"Nothing happened—" Dave gets cut off by a powerful shove from Gale.

"I fucking swear to god if you hurt her I'll cut your tongue off and shove it up your own ass you fucking douche!" Gale yells out and turns towards me. "What is this man doing inside our house?"

I don't reply. I was too afraid to.

"I told you, nothing happened." Dave cuts in.

Gale curls his hand into a fist. "You expect me to believe that after the bullshit you pulled the other day?" 

I try to open my mouth, but my throat won't let me say a word.

Gale walks towards me. "What. Did. Dave. Do?" He says.

I shake my head and whimper out a "Nothing."

My stomach felt tight and my lungs felt like they were being weighed down. I was scared of them fighting. I didn't want anyone getting hurt over a misunderstanding.


"He didn't do anything. He apologized." I managed to say.

This was a new side of Gale that I haven't seen before. He was all sorts of mad. His eyes weren't the same and his chest expanded and deflated rapidly as he let out large puffs of air. He looked like he seriously would've killed Dave on the spot if I didn't say anything.

"That's what I'm saying. This isn't like the other times." Dave says as he stood up. "I didn't do anything."

He had zero intention of getting into a fight with Gale which sort of relieved some of the stress that was forming inside of me but Gale didn't know that. So seeing him shove Dave into the ground added another layer of stress.

I didn't want anyone getting hurt. Even though Dave deserves to get his ass beat into a pulp, I wouldn't want to wish that on him. He was a neglectful boyfriend, but he was one of the sweetest people I've met. Sweet to me.

Except for that time he tried killing Oofy. I will never let that go.

I hear Gale murmur something under his breath as he runs his hand through his head and takes a fistful of hair. "Leave. Dave. Please leave. I can't handle this right now."

"You need to tell her," Dave says.

"Leave!" Gale yells out.

Dave sighs and goes back to his truck, starts his engine, and fades into the distance.

Dave was officially gone from my life now. No more worrying about a guy who was desperate to get together with me even though I broke up with him 7 years ago. No more ex problems that make me feel like I have to have double locks on my door in case he breaks in and hugs me without letting go. He loved me too much, to the point where he couldn't let go. But I moved on, living life like how I wanted it—with a living dog. And I feel no remorse whatsoever.

I glance at Gale and who was staring at me with tired eyes while he bit the side of his cheek. I have a feeling that I have a much bigger problem on my hands now.

I watch as he starts walking toward me. I hear each of his steps turn quieter the shorter the distance between us became.

I was ready for the questioning, I had all the answers. I had all the valid proof that I could use to make Gale believe that nothing happened between me and Dave. He had to. If he didn't then. . . He just has to. I'll make him believe me.

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