Chapter 12

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 I was crying in pain.

I was scratching the ground, trying to latch my nails on the seep between the tiles on the floor, desperately trying to crawl away. Desperately trying to run away from that hellhole.

Was it even a hellhole? I couldn't even see through the tears in my eyes.

I can feel my chest vibrate as I groan in pain.

I see a man towering over me as I desperately try to stand back up.

"Why did you fall, Christy?" He asked with an emotionless smile on his face.


I didn't fall.

I never fell.

He was the reason I was on the floor. He was the reason my left arm had blood leaking out of it. He lashed out.

This isn't real. This is. . . This isn't happening. It's not. I try to tell myself. But each second that passes made me think that everything was real. Very real.

I feel his warm smile lean down closer to my face, "Why was Dave here?" He asked while he kept his hand on my wrist, squeezing it with all his strength. "Tell me, Christy. Why the fuck was that man inside my home?" He said.

I feel his warm breath on the side of my head. It wasn't the warmth I felt whenever he was close to me. It wasn't the warmth I felt when he hugs me. It was a different one. His breath burnt my skin. It made my whole body feel like it was getting consumed by fire.

I open my mouth to say something, but I was cut off by the urge to yack. To throw up every bit of regret that was in my system. To throw up from the fear of Lev.

Please. I would have said if I had the ability to talk.

I would beg.

I would beg him to stop doing what he was doing.

To stop scraping his sharp nails down my stomach.

I feel him loosen his grip on my hand and he travels his hand through my stomach, up to my breast, and up to my throat.

"No!" I yell out. My eyelids threw themselves open and I feel my heart trying to come out of my chest as I desperately try to forget what I just dreamt of.

My eyes move around the room, going back and forth. I was still in my room, on my bed, and the light outside the door was on. 

"Holy shit," I whisper to myself.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit." I whisper again—louder this time.

I put my hand on my chest and squeeze it at tight as I could.

"That wasn't Lev. It was a dream." I whisper, shaking my head. No. My whole body. I was shaking my whole body. "That wasn't. . . It was just a dream. Just a dream."

I wrap my hands around myself and prop my upper body on the wooden bedframe behind me.

It wasn't real.

It was all a dream.

A bad, horrible nightmare.

I keep feeling my heartbeat, not hearing the knocks at the door.

Clasping my blanket to my chest, I turn to the door creaking open.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

This isn't

"Christy? Are you alright?" Gale says, startling me.

I hear the light switch click open.

"Christy?" He says, walking towards me on the bed. "Did something happen? Why are you. . . Are you alright?"

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