until the flower blooms (1)

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💬 gf! yu jimin x gn! reader.1162. you only had until the flower fully bloomed before you had your last breath, so it was up to jimin to ensure your final moments were the happiest, even if they destroyed her.

warnings... MAJOR character death, thoughts of suicide, angst.. lots of it.

"Y/N, you only have a few days left to live." Dr. Kim spoke. His eyes were filled with sorrow and disappointment that there wasn't much he could do for you.

You've been going to the hospital for years in hopes of finding liver transplants, but due to a long list of people waiting in front of you, the list had never reached you, and it was only a matter of time before you took your last breath.

You already knew you didn't have much time due to the flower that was given to you by the hospital to determine how much time you had left to live, and your flower was near full bloom, which meant you were dying soon. But no one knew how much time you truly had, so it was best to treat every day like it was your last. You blankly nodded your head as you stared at the white hospital walls in front of you.

Despite the knowledge of you dying soon, you couldn't help but worry about Karina, your amazing girlfriend. Who was going to remind her to eat or to sleep on time? Who was she going to turn to every time she was suffering hardships from her idol life? Who was going to tell her that she was beautiful every day?

The grip your hands had on the sheets that were covering your legs only grew tighter; you felt numb. Your mind was running a hundred miles an hour. The only thing that was on your mind was your love and how you were going to tell her you didn't have much time left.

After what felt like hours of silence, you finally opened your mouth, "Thank you, Dr. Kim. I appreciate everything you've done for me." You told him with a tight-lipped smile. He sighed before nodding as he left the room. But the moment he left the room, Karina was walking through the door with the same loving smile on her face that she always had when she was around you.

She looked beautiful. It sucked knowing that you only had a short amount of time to love her. You wonder if she knew how much you truly loved her. Did she know you would go to bed every night thanking god that he brought her into your life? Did she know that you saw life with her where you both would be old and wrinkly on the front of the porch watching your grandkids play in the front yard with your children watching from the side as you talked about whatever was going on in your kid's life?

But now, that was never going to happen. Because you only had a matter of days before you would pass on.

"Hi, baby," Karina said softly as she leaned forward, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. You were going to miss this. Sharing sweet kisses and whispering sweet nothings into each other's ear. "What did Dr. Kim need to talk to you about?"

"About my transplant." You told her honestly, her eyes widening in hopefulness, but you couldn't help the sound of your heartbreaking, knowing that the eyes that held so much happiness and hope were going to soon be filled with despair.

"What happened? Did they find a transplant?" She asked, hopefulness in her voice. You looked everywhere but at her before letting a sad sigh escape your lips.

"No, they didn't; Dr. Kim told me I only had a few days left." You responded as you stared down at your lap. The uncomfortable white blanket was now more interesting than watching the girl you've loved for ten years breaking down in front of you because you knew the moment she started crying, you would crumble shortly after.

"Your lying." She said her voice was weak and barely above a whisper, but it was enough for you to hear. You shook your head, basically telling her that you were telling her the truth. It wasn't long before you felt a body crash into yours, your arms subconsciously wrapping themselves tightly around her smaller frame. Her loud sobs fill up the small hospital room. You listened to her as she cried. You didn't know what to say or how to help calm her down. You felt like anything you said was going to basically just be filled with empty promises. Nothing you could possibly say would make this better.

Say Karina was heartbroken would be an understatement. She didn't know how to describe what she felt, but the only word that came to her mind was that she felt empty. What was she going to do when you died? Is she just supposed to live life acting as if she's happy when she isn't? Was she supposed to keep going as if the pain wasn't completely eating her alive?

Despite the heartbreak, she knew one thing she had to do was make sure you lived your last few days to the fullest, even if it completely broke her.

"Y/N.." She finally spoke after what felt like hours, but it was only five minutes of crying into your arms.


"Can we spend your last few days together? We can do whatever you want. I want to be with you." She asked as she watched you look at her with a hesitant look in your eye. She knew what that meant, you were afraid to have her experience losing you in real-time, and you wanted to push her away so she didn't have to. But your heart was telling you to let her, and it wasn't going to be as bad as you thought it would be.

"Are you sure?"

"As sure as I'll ever be."


Now all she needed to do was talk to her company and get a few days off.


This was originally a story idea I had in the drafts, but I decided it would be better for a one-shot. I also may have more one-shots that were meant to be stories in this book, and I will let you know which ones were initially meant to be a story.

I know I usually don't add prompts, but I'll add the original plot for the story ideas turned into one shot so you guys won't be confused. But if there's any that you guys would like to be turned into complete-fledged fanfic, let me know.

This is also a short first part. I kinda just wanted to post this; if you guys like this, I'll get to working on the next part. If you don't this is where it ends...

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