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💬 gf! yu jimin x f! reader. 2371. death was inevitable

In the haste to the bedroom, the blinds had not been drawn. Now, a streetlight's orange glow fell in slats across the floor, climbing the disheveled bed, and saturated the smooth expanse of skin upon your lover's abdomen. It completely captured your attention.

When Karina was at your apartment, moonlight would pour upon her skin, alighting her with an ethereal aura. Here? The only light was artificial and yet, it still made her appear beautiful. Whereas before her skin seemed emit the light, it was here that she seemed to be the only warmth left in a dark world. The light didn't reach you, leaving you in shadows. For that reason, you were drawn to touch her.

Even when you ran the pads of your fingers over her ribs, Karina didn't so much as stir, let alone wake up. These days, she was often exhausted. It made you sad to see her so overworked, but you knew in the end, she was doing what she loved. Karina was protecting her city, a call she had felt since she was young, once confessed to you on a similar night. Resting your fingers on her diaphragm, you let the measured rise and fall of her breathing rock your hand like a little boat riding gentle waves. You took a moment to close your eyes and just let yourself be close to her. To feel her. Soaking up the knowledge that she was safe and sound. With you.

It was getting too much. With an inaudible sigh, your hand ghosted down Karina's stomach to her hip bones, just the bit that wasn't covered by her bedsheets. It was there with the slightest bit more force that you flicked your index finger over the crest, as though you were running your finger over a knife's edge. There were plenty more ways that Karina was beautiful, but in this moment, you couldn't help but admire her physical beauty.

To the department, Karina was still considered new. To you, what you saw behind closed doors, Karina was seasoned. Being a police officer was hard, admirable work. She willingly put herself in a position, that with today's society, was often hated. Somehow, she did her job well, all with a smile on her face. Of course, she could be serious. There many things about her career that warranted that. But when she had the opportunity, she used her given power to prove that she was a good person, protecting the innocent. Not some monster the media painted from a different perspective.

The real monster was the person beside her.

Karina had no idea what you really did. What you told her was that you worked in an accounting firm. It explained why you had a nicer apartment than she did, but hardly. While your job actually did include money, it was certainly not by legal terms.

You were the messenger in a broad underground drug circuit. Technically, you weren't in the mafia. The only thing that dirtied your hands was laundered money, the only weapons you were armed with was your tongue in the form of threats. But when you rely on technicalities, you already know it's wrong. Just because you weren't technically a member of the mafia growing in your city doesn't mean you weren't in league with them. After all, they were the ones who put money in your bank account and posted security detail around your apartment — you also happened to be in a position to be hated, if not more than Karina.

Flopping back on the bed, you stared up at the darkened ceiling. The contrast was too ironic, Karina cast in a heroic shine while you remained in the shadows. In the beginning it had been easier. To lie to her, to hide the truth. Back then, it was genuinely easier. The mafia didn't fly in the face of the law, and the police didn't laser focus on the source of the rising crime. Months passed, you bumped up the ranks, and as you saw the efforts of your messenger work showering into your hands, you also saw how it affected Karina.

As if she knew she was a part of your thoughts, Karina turned in her sleep, shuffling closer to you. It was reflex now, the way you reached out and wrapped her up in your arms to close the gap between your bodies. A hum bubbled up the back of your throat at how warm she was. Not just against your skin, but the sensation you felt seeping through your body. It was like being near Karina comforted you to your soul. Chasing away the numb that had settled since you forfeited your morals and accepted the life you had now.

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