a flower is dying

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💬 crush! yu jimin x m! reader. 2700. who knew unrequited love could hurt this bad while slowly killing you at the same time

warning: heavy angst & mentions of blood & a major character death.

"Jimin, I'm in love with you." You said to her as your back was pressed against the cherry blossom tree, as she stood adjacent from you. Her eyes widened in surprise but they were soon replaced with guilt just as fast.

"Y/N..." Her voice was laced with guilt as you noticed the figure of Jeno walking towards you guys with a kind smile plastered across his face.

"Of course," You scoffed before walking away as you ignored the call of your name that left the girl you've loved your entire life lips, you were too late. He had already managed to sweep her off her feet before you even had the chance to grow a pair and confess. You were angry, it's should've been you. But it was no one's fault but your own, you had since middle school to confess to her but you never made a move and you possibly couldn't expect Jimin to wait for you to confess. 

But you didn't realize the rejection from her would lead to something like this.

The entire weekend was spent with you ignoring everyone's calls, you didn't want them to see you like this. You felt weak and you didn't know why, at first you had thought it was just a simple cold and you would get over it after a good nights of rest but that was soon proven wrong when you woke up the next morning having a coughing fit.

It wasn't the most shocking cause everyone coughs when they are sick, but it was when you noticed a Hydrangea petals tainted with blood in your hand. You chuckled bitterly before throwing the petals into the trash, you couldn't let your friends or family know that you had got the hanahaki disease. You just had to live you life to the fullest for the time being, even if you knew by the end of it you were going to die.

You slowly pushed your aching body off of your bed before walking towards your closet and getting dressed into your school uniform (you had taken a shower the night before). You make your way out your room, giving your sister Minjeong a weak smile as she was just leaving her room in your guys school uniform, she returned the smile with a bright one before making her way to the kitchen so you guys can eat the breakfast your parents cooked for you guys.

You felt yourself start to choke up before you coughed into your hand again, this time the amount of flower petals in the palm of your hand was a lot more than it was only moments ago. You stuffed the petals into your pocket before walking into the kitchen shortly after, seeing your sister already at the table eating her breakfast.

You sat across from her as you did the same, the pit in your stomach only growing.

"Minjeongie." You spoke up breaking the silence, she looked up at you with a confused look on her face. As you placed your chopsticks down in the now empty bowl.

"You are the best sister anyone could ask for, I couldn't have asked for a better one." You spoke to her gently, as she only grown more confused on why you were talking as if you were dying (which you were but she didn't need to know that at all).

"Why are you being so weird?" Minjeong chuckled as a light blush of embarrassment coated her cheeks, you gave her another smile before you got up to grab both of your now empty plates and placed them in the sink.

You guys quickly rushed to the front door and slipped your shoes onto your feet. Your guys walk to school was relatively quiet, but once Minjeong realized you weren't going to start the conversation she took the lead herself. She talked and you listened, it usually was never like this it was always the other way around. But as you watched the bright smile on her face, over the fact that you even listened to what she had to say and you only wished that you had more time to make your sister smile like that again.

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