CHAPTER 40: Strength in Hearts

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The entire ride, I stayed silent, just watching out the window as we passed building after building. I didn't pay attention to any of it. I didn't pay attention to the people, the sky, or the historic monuments that everyone loves to see. It was all a blur that flickered by like a laggy video, making me dizzy and tired. But I couldn't sleep and don't think I will. At least not at my own will and peace.

However, Nicky and Joy are asleep in the backseat with Spades curled up in between them. Bennet takes the hour to drive them back to the hotel before coming back to drive me to the hospital. I try to soothe myself by rubbing my hands together. It's not the same as her, but I can imagine. 

When I arrive, the staff clear a path for me and bow their heads low in anxiousness. News of the sting operation that happened a few days before has easily reached many worldwide. It was all that any popular news outlet could talk about. There are mixed reviews about me, as always. Few see me as a hero. But most fear me and the power I hold. Especially to rid of such a dangerous criminal enterprise. But none know of what truly happened.

However, I ignore their cold stares and follow through with every step that I have pathed for these past days. Go through the automatic doors, five paces to the elevators, twelve seconds to get to the third floor, then another sixteen paces to the right. When I arrive, I be sure to collect myself and put on a smile, in case she is already awake. I must hold the optimism she is awake.

I walk into her room and smile at the bed, but sigh when I am greeted with the same silence and darkness as yesterday. I take a seat by her side and feel the warmth of her hand. I rub her gently and peck it lightly.

"Hey, Paxty. It's Chrysos. I don't know if you can hear me, but I am here. I hope it wasn't too long, but I got a lot done. The funeral went by smoothly and there wasn't any drama. I'm safe thanks to you and I think you literally gassed the entire SS Tribe. That's insane. You're insane. You jumped out of a plane. And you are definitely going to have stories to tell when we get home. So can you please wake up? I want to go home with you and see you smile again," I ask lightly, hoping she will hear me.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. 

"You promised me you would stay with me and always protect me. I make that promise for you too, Paxty. I love you," I kiss her palm and wipe the tears on my face before they can taint her skin. "I'm staying strong for you and even though the doctors and everyone say that a collision like what you have suffered is impossible to live with, I just want you to live. I won't let you go. I know that you have so much fight in your spirit. You are stronger than an engine of a plane and five men. There is nothing on this Earth that can take you away from me. Only God can. You are a fighter and my heroic fool."

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

There is no change in her and I sigh, before opening up the book.

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep. The more I give to thee. The more I have, for both are infinite."



"Five more minutes."


"Leave me alone, Spades," I grumble, snuggling deeper into the mattress. 

"You're drooling more than Spades."

Finally, I give in and rub the tiredness from my eyes. My gosh, everything is stiff. I shake out my limbs and rub the knots that will unlikely loosen until I am at least fifty. I stretch myself out and realize. After the fogginess clears, the effects of the past few days hit me in full force. 

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