CHAPTER 7: Status Report

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TW: Brief Bodily Violence


"Clear," Gerard announces as he, Asher, and Nicole surround me in a wedge formation as I carry an exhausted Chrys on my back.

Bennet is outside waiting for us and does not speak as he drives us home. Once inside the suite, I let out a bated breath and help kick off Chrys and I's shoes. I stop inside Chrysos' room and tuck her into bed.

Before I hit the shower, I begin typing up a report of tonight's events and texted everyone that we are safe. They all immediately replied back that they had made it home.



Miss. Dong Yen and Miss. Rao overdosed on Fentanyl which was laced in their drinks. Subjects were quickly given Narcan on scene and are recovering in the hospital.

An unidentified male held the French contestant and winner Lavinia Anatole at gunpoint to enter the venue. He was found to have been carrying a fake firearm, an unknown powdered substance, and black cable ties. He is now in the custody of the police as a person of interest. (Claims to be a part of the SS tribe (Serpent's Society Tribe))

Lavinia and her mother were reunited by police an hour after the incident. They will be departing LaGuardia back to Marseille.

The young server is in the custody of the police as a person of interest.

I sent it out to Gerard and we would take care of the rest tomorrow.


I shut my computer off and stand in the shower as the hot water trickles down my body. This was my first encounter in a long time. The last one being my sister's fiance's murder.



"We've got to go back!"

You abandoned them. Just as you abandoned us.

Hmmm, phew. Hmmmph, phew. I close my eyes and do breathing exercises to drown out the blood-curdling screams of the people I had left behind to get Chrys far away. We would have been on the ground too, seizing and coughing up. We could have lost both our lives in a matter of an instant, with just our lips touching the lethal drug.

I step out of the shower and put on my sweatpants and a plain navy blue t-shirt. I head to the kitchen and Bennet left me a hot mug of honey and lemon tea.

"For the nerves, Miss. Iustus. Rest well," he wrote on a sticky note.

I smile at his respectful consideration. I sip the drink and put on my music to somewhat help me calm the thundering nerves. When I wash my cup and look at the stove clock, it is already past midnight. I need to sleep, but I don't want to know what my mind has ahead. Before I leave for bed, I go to check on Chrys. To my surprise, her bed lamp is open and she changed into one of her classic velvet pajama sets. She is lying on her side facing away from me and I can hear her soft sniffles being muffled in the back of her throat. I walk to her and sit down at her side. She must have felt the weight shift because she got spooked and scrambles farther from me. She kicks me in the pelvis and holds up the duvet to her chest, her eyes widening in terror.

"Aghhh," I groan, clutching my side.

She shuffles to me, holding me by the shoulders. Guilt flashes in her pearl-foggy eyes.

I shake my head and pat her hand, "It's fine. I'm fine. I'm sorry I scared you, I just wanted to check up on you."

She gives me a sad smile and pats the space beside her. I sit comfortably beside her and wrap my arm around her neck.

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