CHAPTER 31: There Is Hope

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I'm doing it. Today, I will kill a man. Woof! 

"You think I am crazy don't you Spades? Of course I am crazy, you can't understand me. I am an inventor, philanthropist, and businesswoman and I can't even stop myself from talking to my dog. Fetch!" 

Spades leaps off the bed and chases after the tennis ball. Shard is due any minute today having come back from America. I am super nervous because well, he is a killer, but I am going to kill him. Oh, the irony.

"She in there?" a deep baritone voice is heard on the other side of the door.

"Where have you been?" Maximus questions.

"Thorn was sloppy and left me for dead. And you! You caused a commotion and now your name is all over the media. I had to wait till things quieted, but I am here now and my blade is still sharp and clear as glass," Shard hisses.

"Don't let her out of your sight and keep her alive. You are under my command now. Not Dilitírio," Maximus gives the final warning and I hear the deadbolt being unlocked. Shard steps inside and I scowl at the man behind the mask.

"You are the new lackey. Why is it always with the masks? It's like I am having a conversation with tin-ruts. But that's okay, at least your face won't prick my eyes as worse as my fiance's," I insult and I swear I heard a snicker.

"I'm not here to talk about your feelings, Miss. Beaumont. You requested for your daily activity today that you would like to go riding. I have prepared the horses," Shard stretches out his gloved hand out the door and I lead us to the stables with a nervous frown on my face.

It's time. I notch my arrows and begin galloping down the course. Hit the first three bullseyes at thundering speeds and I count a few seconds before I turn around and unleash my arrow at his face. It knocks him off of Timber and I guide Angel over to him. He lets out groans and surprisingly he doesn't reach for his weapon and holds his hands out.

"Wait, stop! Don't kill me. Chryston, it's me. Asher!" Shard said and I beam my eyes wide open at the two familiar names.

He shifts his hands to get up, but I stop him.

"No! That's impossible. You killed them. They said you and Thorn killed my friends. You are a liar just like everyone in this ****** world," I object, notching another arrow from my quiver and pointing it at his heart.

"Oh, god. Please, don't kill me. Just listen. Paxton told me to tell you this. Ugh, this is so stupid. All that glistens is not gold, but our fighting spirits to behold. Though she be but little, she is fierce. We are warriors, Chrysos. Gold and Peace," he recites and I walk cautiously to him. He stays still allowing me to unmask him. I drop to my knees and the mask is thrown to the side. I bury my face in his shoulder. He is alive. He's here.

"You're here. You're really here. Is this real?" I look him up and down and despite the disguise, he's breathing and living.

"Oh, Paxton also told me not to kiss you when you say that," Asher chuckles and I laugh lightheartedly, "She knows me so well."

"I mean how can this be? How did you find me? And what is with this disguise? We should leave! I had a plan and if we go on, it will still work. Come with me," I bring him off the ground and we brush off the forest.

"I know you have so many questions, but I should answer them as we trot. They will be expecting you back," Asher offers to help me on Angel, but I back away from him, "NO WAY! You have no idea what I have been through. I can't go back there. They'll... They will... I CAN'T!"

"对不起. 对不起. I have no idea what you have been through. I have no idea how much you have suffered and it pains all of us. Bennet, Paxton, Nicky, and Joy have all been worried, praying, and working unbelievably hard to find you. We never lost hope and we aren't giving up. But, we can't go yet because if we leave now, the SS Tribe will still come after you, disband to wherever they were originally in the world doing bad things, and we won't have the chance to gas the den. Furthermore, the military is still finalizing its resources in permanently detaining all of those beasts. But, we all want you to know it is your choice to leave or wait for all of the team to arrive," Asher informed me.

I sit down on the grass to think with Asher sitting beside me. Being in that house with all of those people made me go down dark pathways. Knowing the motive behind King's plan threw me deeper and I couldn't keep myself from looking at sharp objects or the bathtub and think, is heaven my salvation to peace? But, heaven is not my peace or salvation. Not yet. Paxton is my Peace on Earth. I am still living because of her. If I leave now, the terrors and gang will find me and I won't escape.

"Can you promise me one thing?" I ask quietly, kicking at the leaves.

"Yeah," Asher said.

"Don't let the ceremony go through. I don't care what you do, but don't let him take me," I grit my teeth, uncomfortably saying each word in front of him.

"You don't have to worry about that. Paxton is not going to let any of that happen when she has a whole list of ways to mutilate our opponents. You should have seen her. She has the strength of five grown-*ss adults," Asher laughs.

"And will you stay with me? Keep me safe?" I quake. 

"We will get out of hell," he promises.


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