CHAPTER 23: Independence Day

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"This one?" Grazing her hand on a gash above my shoulder.

"School. I wasn't always the tough bodyguard, mob-fighting woman I am today. I struggled in school to keep up my grades, help my family, and just keep sane. So, I didn't make a lot of friends back then. The kids would bully me for being reclusive. And yeah, words turned to fists, and then someone decided it would be cool to throw a glass bottle at me. The shard slashed my blood vessel. Had to go to the hospital and imagine my mom's surprise when I came in a stretcher while she was at work," I reminisced.

"That's so mean. If I see them, I'd send them to the hospital," Chrysos huffs and I chuckle, "They were kids without direction. It's how they grew up."

"I'm happy you are different," she said, pecking my skin.

"I'm so glad you see me as special," I said, brushing her curly hair.

"You are. Even if you really can be a bit of an idiot," she jokes, tracing my ab lines.

"Yeah, well. I think you are just as dear. It seems as if the whole world is against you, but they don't see you. You are precious and I love you so much," I peck her on her collarbone.

She lifts her arms up and I help her remove her shirt. She lets me admire her and she is perfection. Even though she doesn't have rock-hard abs as I do, her skin is incredibly soft and everything fits her with a regality greater than Aphrodite. I return my gaze to her eyes and aww she's blushing.

"Awww, are you shy?" I tease, nipping at her neck. As I expected she lets out a little moan.

"No, I just... It's summer!" she whacks me on the chest and I laugh.

"Are you sure?" I said playfully, kissing her cheek and chin, but teasing her lips which quiver in want.

"Stop torturing me, please," she groans gutturally.

With her permission, I kiss her passionately and she eagerly deepens it with all her strength. Her hands grasp my back, fingers digging deeply for dominance. I lay us down on our sides and her leg wraps around mine to guide us closer. Her hand lets go of my back and travel slowly upward. Her lips never leave mine and I suck in a breath of surprise as I feel her getting dangerously closer to my bra strap.

"Chryston? Breakfast is ready for you if you both are hungry," Bennet calls out.

Reluctantly, we detach our bodies from each other.

Chrysos rolls off the bed, "Ugh."

I toss onto my back and I can barely regain my breathing. We almost... And we wouldn't have stopped.

"Come on, Paxton. I'm hungry," Chrysos says, collecting her toiletries.

"I know," I smirk, throwing on my t-shirt and wrapping my arms behind her. She whacks me on the temple with her hairbrush and I pout at her action.

"Don't you have a date to plan?" She reminds me and I sprint out, but not before giving her a kiss on her lips.

"I will see you at five!" I call out.


How to plan a date? Google Search. Dating for Dummies. Scroll. Scroll. Agh, I am really feeling pathetic. But I am nervous. Superbly nervous. Do I take us out to a fancy schmancy restaurant? But if I want to pay, I can't take her to SOHO. And then there is the problem with safety. SS Tribe can have agents everywhere and the public definitely knows who she is. I don't want to keep her locked up in this building either.

What about those other things that couples do? Like flowers, chocolates, and balloons. I know she loves two of them but isn't it too stereotypical?

With Chrysos preoccupied with work and Nicky watching her for the morning, I head out into the city to do grocery shopping. I think I might make her one of my family favorites; ravioli, salad, and rotisserie chicken. It doesn't sound as glamorous as steak or lobster, but while growing up my family had to be frivolous with our money. We used coupons and had flyers coming in on a weekly basis instead of the papers. I learned how to cook once I hit thirteen and by then, I learned to be resourceful with the ingredients Ruby and my mom would bring home. The twins loved ravioli, so I would buy them from the local Italian bakery if we had enough money. After setting the groceries in the cooler in the car, I walk around Manhattan until I find a florist shop. This is a challenge. Chrysos is a green thumb, I am definitely not. Like humans, natural flowers have their own unique personalities and meanings behind their beautiful colors. Chrysos is an expert, while I am looking at everything in confusion.

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