CHAPTER 18: Go Home

Start from the beginning

"I don't know. I don't do long-distance relationships," she mutters and I begin shaking her, "Dude! You gotta go for it. It may surprise you. Here, let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, a strange lady being chased by a mob of hundreds crashes into my workplace. The moment she opened her eyes and called to me, I went into catatonic shock, figuratively. Literally? Whatever. Then, she offers me a job to become her bodyguard and I'm like oh god. But then Asher says to me, go for it. Don't let the opportunity slip away. But really, he meant, don't let her slip away. And look where I am now. So, the moral of the story is don't let Guinevere slip away Nicky."

"Asher is really wise," Nicky smiles.

"Yeah, but don't tell him I said that. That'll just flood his ego even further. So, I'ma ask one more time. Do you want to see Guinevere again?" I say sternly.

"Ma'am. Yes, ma'am," she said, clicking her heels together.

"Come on. We can probably make a detour before we go to the airport. I don't know how much time you'll have, but it's better than drowning yourself in regret," I grab her hand and roam the gardens until I find what I am looking for.

I pick a fresh white lily and give it to Nicky, "She likes lilies. Good thing Spades and I ruined your rosey dilemma."

We all make it back to the car and Chrysos raises an eyebrow at us.

"I will explain on the way. Bennet, we need to make a quick stop before we go to the airport," I state.

Before Bennet can start the engine, someone calls out. Ugh.

"Wait, I apologize for sleeping in. I want to say goodbye before all of you leave. It saddens me deeply that you can't stay longer," Stephen frowns.

"Goodbye, Stephen. You have been a great boon of a host," Chrysos insults and Stephen is fuming. Before he can retort, Chrysos lets out a scream and points over Stephen's shoulder to a man stumbling in his walk drenched with what looks to be horse poo. His suit is soaked and his hair has hay everywhere.

"This isn't my yard," he speaks groggily.

I roll up the windows and tap Bennet's seat rapidly, "Bennet, drive! DRIVE!"

Bennet floors the pedal and the tires let out a resounding screech. Once the house is out of sight, we all are laughing like buffoons and muck around with how Nicky just left the dude there and forgot. I hope Stephen has fun with that. Nicky called to let Guinevere know we were coming. After an hour of driving, we reached the hotel. I rub circles along Nicky's back as she nervously tucks in her shirt and fusses with her sleeve.

"How can I be with her if all I'm saying is goodbye?" Nicky chokes out.

"Don't. Tell her how much of an impression you made on her and ask if maybe she feels the same. Don't emphasize goodbye. Emphasize your infatuation. Be brave soldier," I give her the final push and she walks into the lobby. I return to the car and begin catching Chrysos up. Chrysos is awestruck at the new development but loves that Nicky found someone. Our flight is not till twelve and it is currently ten minutes before eleven, so we take the time to patiently wait and relax in the car. I call Gerard to tell him an estimated time of arrival and he replied that he will come to pick us up. Chrysos calls her COO that she will be returning to work in a few days.

After a bit, Nicky comes back in the car and is absolutely glowing. And oh my gosh!

"Did she?" Chrysos points to Nicky's left hand and Nicky blushes, "No, no. We're not going that fast, you children. It's a promise ring."

"So it went well," I said.

"I have a girlfriend. And even though I'm a little skeptical about long distances. We can call each other and facetime. And have virtual dates and stuff. I will see her again. It's a promise," Nicky blushes and we all congratulate her as she brushes her hands to her lips.

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