Harry sighed but nodded, taking the cup and pouring the whole thing in his mouth. Louis watched as he sat with the liquid in his mouth for a second, probably contemplating how much trouble he'd get in if he spit it out, and then swallowed slowly. 

"Good boy!" Louis praised. Harry smiled wide at making Louis proud. 

"Okay, now just take this one and we'll go get your paccy," Louis said, passing the chewable allergy pill to Harry. 

This one was a lot easier for Harry because the pills tasted fruity and he took them everyday, so it was just routine. Once the pill was gone, Harry reached out for Louis and was taken into his own bedroom where he rarely spent a full night. 

Louis placed Harry on the ground and let him toddle over to his bed where he found his pacifier and his comfort blanket. He took both items, placing the pacifier in his mouth right away, and went back to Louis to be carried again. He was getting a little tired because it was still sort of early and he still wasn't feeling great. 

Louis picked him up and kissed his cheek. "Do you want to go get some breakfast, bubba?"

Harry rested his head on Louis' shoulder and shook his head. He wasn't hungry yet, he just wanted to be cuddled. 

"Do you maybe want to go back to Boo's bed and watch a show?" Louis asked, getting the feeling that Harry was still tired. Harry nodded while he rubbed his blanket against his cheek for comfort. 

Louis carried him back to the other room and got him comfy in bed. "What should we watch, darling?" 

"Pooh!" Harry said without a second thought. 

Louis chuckled and turned on Winnie the Pooh. (Ugh literally my childhood honestly) 

They sat and watched the movie, Harry curled into Louis' side with his pacifier in his mouth and his blanket in his hand. Louis was feeling pretty relaxed in that moment, morning cuddles with Harry were always one of his favourite things because Harry was always happy when it was happening and Louis enjoyed the quality time with his favourite little boy. 

He looked down to find Harry almost asleep against his chest watching the movie. He rubbed gentle circles on his back and just sat in silence. It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for Harry to get a bit more rest. 

It was quiet apart from the sound of the movie for about ten minutes and then, all of a sudden, Harry sneezed. It scared him awake and he started crying almost instantly. 

"Boo! I 'neezed!" He cried, "Need a t'ssue!" 

Louis had to try really hard not to laugh at such an overreaction to a sneeze, he just hid his smile and reached over to get some tissues for Harry. 

"Oh, Bubba, shh. It'll be alright, just scared you a bit, huh?" Louis soothed. Harry nodded, the initial shock of being woken up was passing and now he was just sniffling. 

"Need a t'ssue, Boo," He whined again. 

"Yep, I can see that, Haz." The boy had snot everywhere under his nose. "Boo has some tissues. I'll just get you cleaned up quickly." 

Harry held his face up and let Louis wipe his face. "There you go, honeybear. Does that feel better?" 

Harry nodded, "T'anks, Boo." 

Louis smiled and watched as Harry popped his pacifier back into his mouth and curled back into Louis, watching the movie again. 

Louis figured the Tylenol had probably started to work because Harry had stopped rubbing at his sore ears and he seemed much happier than he had before. 

Harry's allergies were always so hard on him and everyone hated it when they got bad because no one liked to see such a sweet boy in so much pain. 

Harry eventually fell asleep again, his stuffy nose making his breathing sound a bit bad. Louis told himself he would get one of the other boys to help him give Harry his inhaler later, (it may not seem like it should be, but it was always a two person job because Harry hated it so much.)

 Hopefully he would feel better in a few days, though. Everyone preferred a happy Harry over an allergy ridden, in-pain Harry any day. 


Hello good people of Wattpad! 

I hope you enjoyed this (what a surprise, me writing another sickfic, what a shocker!). I was going to make it longer but I didn't care that much because i actually had no plan for this one, but it's okay! This was completely inspired by what is going to be the death of me one day, my seasonal allergies. 

I didn't edit it (I know, another shocker), but I think I fixed any glaring problems while I was writing. And even if I didn't, who cares? 

I start school in a week so this is probably the only new chapter you'll get for a while, sorry! 

Feel free to leave requests, but I'm not promising I'll fill them right away or even at all. 

I gotta stop writing and go get food because I feel like I'm being kinda rude, sorry about that! 

Anyway, if you have already started school I hope you're doing well and none of you are eating lunch alone unless it's by choice. And if you haven't started school, I hope you have a good rest of your summer and when you do go back I hope you aren't eating lunch alone unless it's by choice. 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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