Nawal looked at Anas then Asad and stared back at Anas again, waiting to hear what he is going to say.

"What are you talking about?"... Asad was not in the mood for Anas' games.

"She is a gold digger and likes to get into big men's pants"... Anas spoke making Nawal angry.

"What?"... Nawal stated as she stares at Asad.

She walked up to Asad "Stay away from me"... she stated as she walked out of the library.

"What have I done to deserve this"... Asad slightly raised his voice as he walked towards Anas.

"I just feel like strangling you till you die"... Asad thought of how it will look if he actually does.

"Stay away from me , if you have any love for yourself" ... Asad warned as he walked to his hostel and retreated for the night.

The next morning, Asad woke up and found Anas watching him like a hawk.

"Are you insane or what?"... Asad jerked him and pushed him far away from him.

"Ouch"... Anas hit his bum when he landed.

"What's your problem?" ... Asad asked as he stood up from the bed and headed towards Anas.

"I told you already, I want to be your friend"... Anas stood up and that's when he noticed Asad was taller than him and bigger than him to.

"Friend my foot, get out of my room before I take you out myself"... Asad order but Anas did the opposite instead.

He sat on Kamal's bed and made himself comfortable.

That act alone made Asad become very angry.

How can someone be this stubborn and annoying.

"If you are wondering how I got in, Kamal let me in. I told him we were paired up for a project which will really boost both our grades and he let me in"... Anas smiled.

"Good , now get out!"... Asad yelled.

"You want us to fail?"... Anas dramatically gasp.

"I wasn't lying about the project, I got us paired up yesterday when you did not attend your classes".... Anas grinned.

"God!".... Asad ran his fingers through his hair.

Clearly frustrated.

"Yeah I know , I am amazing right"... Anas fanned himself and fluttered his eyes like a teenage girl in love.

"What am I going to do now"... Asad heaved a sigh.

"I don't know for you. Maybe take a shower or act normal for once."... Anas replied.

" I wasn't asking for your opinion"... Asad snapped and decided to leave the room.

If he stayed here, this guy will drive him crazy.

He took some clothes and headed towards the bathing suite. He hung his things at top edge of the door and quickly took his bath.

When he was done taking his bath , he couldn't find where he kept his towel or clothes .

"How great"... Asad cursed out loud.

"Are you looking for these"... Anas voice caught Asad's attention.

"What the f*** , are you following me?"... Asad wanted to scream.

"Is this how tiny your waist is"... Anas ignored Asad's question and was checking out his undergarment instead.

"Give me that".... Asad snatched his clothes out of Anas hands.

He rapped his towel around his body and went straight too his hostel.

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